Friday, September 11, 2009


It seems like our country is coming unraveled at an alarming rate. Well, then I should get busy writing thank-you notes to:

1. The press. Their choice was not to vet Obama's candidacy. After the election, we got silly swooning rather than objective reporting. And after Wednesday night's big speech (when the polls say 53% of the American public want no part of the President's plan) comments were shameless ("a touch of greatness/ something in there for everybody/a remarkable speech/the speech rebranded the President as a centrist"). So by putting whatever goals you media must have...over the welfare of your country, you lead the enablers list.

2. The Democratic party. By keeping a lid on things you obviously must have known for a long time (but chose to ignore), you put career over country and rode the gravy train into power.

3. The black community. Ninety-six percent of you chose race before country (while assuming racism in everyone else).

4. The politically unconcerned and watching Survivor reruns. Snoozing through your political responsibility put amusement over country.

5. The young people who took the President at his word. Thank you for your idealism. As the impact of what you have done sinks in, please write it off as experience. Rather than becoming cynical, commit to examine deeds. It's oft repeated, but true: people do what you inspect, not what you expect.

6. The wide circle of radical friends around Mr. Obama. You are responsible for the puzzled look on Hillary's face. Mrs. Clinton was sure that people would connect the dots and public outrage would sink her opponent's ship. That didn't happen.

And WHY, do you think those dots never did connect? Are we all just busy pursuing our own courses? Do we not take such claims seriously...or understand how such a claim would affect the country..or care? Surely we care. Surely we haven't taken our blessing of liberty for granted. In my 62 years, we sure have "had it good".

When I feel unsettled, I find chocolate comforting, but not permanent. So I look at what the Book says...and the Book says "this is the day that the Lord has made". Huh? Even this day that feels like a Jacuzzi on full tilt? Yes! Isaiah nails it with these questions from the "commonspeak" version of the Bible called The Message:

"Who has scooped up the ocean in his two hands, or measured the sky between his thumb and little finger? Who has put all the earth's dirt in one of his baskets, weighed each mountain and hill? Who could ever have told God what to do or taught him his business? What expert would he have gone to for advice, what school would he attend to learn justice? What god do you suppose might have taught him what he knows, showed him how things work? Why, the nations are but a drop in a bucket, a mere smudge on a window. Watch him sweep up the islands like so much dust off the floor! There aren't enough trees in Lebanon nor enough animals in those vast forests to furnish adequate fuel and offerings for his worship. All the nations add up to simply nothing before him - less than nothing is ore like it. A minus.

Have you not been paying attention? Have you not been listening? Haven't you heard these stories all your life? Don't you understand the foundation of all things? God sits on high above the round ball of earth. The people look like mere ants. He stretches out the skies like a canvas - yes, like a tent canvas to live under. He ignores what all the princes say and do. The rulers of the earth count for nothing. Princes and rulers don't amount to much. Like seeds barely rooted, just sprouted, they shrivel when God blows on them. Like flecks of chaff, they're gone with the wind."

Well, THAT was a wonderful reminder of Who is in control! Listen to some more of what God sez:

" 'So - who is like me? Who holds a candle to me?' says the Holy. Look at the night skies - who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name - so magnificent! powerful! And never overlooks a single one.

Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or whine, Israel, saying 'God has lost track of me...He doesn't care what happens to me'? Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God doesn't come and go. God LASTS. He's the Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath. And he knows EVERYTHING, inside and out.

'I, yes I, am God. I'm the only Savior there is. I spoke, I saved. I told you what existed long before these upstart gods appeared on the scene. And you know it, you're my witnesses you're the
evidence...God's Decree."

Yes, I am God. I've always been God and I always will be God. No one can take anything from me. I make, who can unmake it?

Who out there fears God, actually listens to the voice of his servant? For anyone out there who doesn't know where you are going, anyone groping in the dark - here's what: TRUST GOD."

OK, I feel better now.

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