Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Isn't it wonderful to get a gift that you really, REALLY like?  It brings pleasure because it's "you" and the giver has figured out who "you" are.  Sometimes the price tag on the gift says the giver spared no expense and that makes you feel valued.  Too bad the good gifts don't come on EVERY give-away day.  Ever gotten a clunker gift that required work to just gin up enthusiasm?  Or how about the dreaded "regift" that you can spot from a mile off?  

The older Mike and I get, the harder it is to give us things.  What do we NEED?  But we do feel pure joy in giving...

The month before Christmas, we found out some things that the little girls in NYC wanted.  Laura said we could buy them and mail them...or just send dollars and she would get the gifts and wrap them.  How long do you think it took us to figure out that sweet deal?  We heart Laura.  Then the technology fairy, Skype, allowed us to be in our bedroom and watch them open the gifts.  Next best thing to being there...

Caroline went first.  She pulled a frothy pink tutu out of a box and you couldn't have given her anything that would have pleased her more.  She twirled and squealed over it.  Then her mother said that the tutu meant Papa and Mimi were giving her ballet lessons.  Her little face lit up with astonishment that there was MORE!  She would have been fine with just the tutu...or even perhaps the box.  Caroline was aptly named when her parents pick "Joy" for her middle name. 

Then it was Hanna's turn and her gift ROLLED in...a 16" pink bike with a particularly appealing saddlebag on the front.  You could tell she was pleased, but concerned.  Hanna is a linear thinker and she was "counting the cost" of the absence of training wheels.  However, she immediately began dropping some of her things into the saddlebag.  Zip, zip.  Girls like to have their necessities close at hand.  Thanks, Brad, for assembling the gift and not charging us the assembly fee that WalMart charges.

Then the Saferites arrived for lunch.  As we ate, we talked about what Nate's gifts under the tree might be.  He had the DVDs pegged (size/weight).  This year was a Star Wars Christmas and Nate got the first two movies in that series.  We had gone into the attic and found some of Brad's old Star Wars figures and the Millennium Falcon...washed them...and put them under the tree.  Nate also got an inflatable globe with an LED  light that hangs from the ceiling as a nightlight.  And he got a book about the human body.  That's when the tissue toss came to a screeching halt.
Nate loves books and in the midst of more flashy gifts, he locked onto the book that had lots of flaps to open.  His interest in books melted the hearts of the onlooking teachers.  Check out this picture of Nate studying the page called "Eating and Excreting".  It totally hooked his attention.  We had to smile because Hanna has the same book and we wondered what her reaction was.  Little girls may not be as fascinated with their systems as little boys are.

Today we are not in stores returning, so we're declaring 2010 a gifting success.  No duplicates or rejects. Mike and I are enjoying a crate of nuts from NYC, and a book written by a friend of a friend of the Cruses.  The Saferites gave Mike an audio tutorial from a creationist about the Grand Canyon.  Perfect for our expected tour of the canyon next spring.  And I got Christmas toys...a spunky angel with knobby knees and a vintage little silver Christmas tree (made like the old aluminum ones from the 60's).  

Mike and I took a vow not to get one another any gifts, but we decided to buy costumes for our church Christmas program.  I had a total ball outfitting shepherds, wise men, and the holy family.  I guess Mike got the tab and the pleasure of watching the wise men glitter.

Which brings us to THE gift of Christmas, Jesus.  The Book says that even though we are evil, we still know how to give good gifts to our children.  Then the Book challenges us to think how much more our heavenly Father knows what to give...and does give to those who ask.  Great point.  I'm made in His image, so I get the general idea.  But the Maker of each heart knows infinitely more about giving just the right thing according to need.  I think I need to have a heart more like the heart of a child...

...like Caroline.  I want to delight over my Gift (Jesus) as Caroline delighted over her gift.  There is that giddy joy when Christ lifts the weight of sin and the peace with God begins.  Then just as Caroline got MORE, our MORE comes when we see His face and step into eternity.

...like Hanna.  She wisely "counted the cost" of no training wheels.  When I count the cost of my daily offenses to God, I KNOW I'm needing what Jesus is offering.  His amazing offer comes without a fee and we can "pack our bags" for heaven by receiving Him.

...like Nate.  In the midst of all the cacophony, A.D.D. delight, and eye candy of my world, I want to be able to fix my eyes on the Good Book and it's Author.

You know, back in November I cleaned out my closet (for the umpteenth time) and wanted to kick myself!  There, under a pile of stuff, was a stash I'd tucked away...a sack with two CUTE Christmas shirts I'd bought for the little girls at last year's sales.  The now-outgrown shirts were bought for them and put aside for them.  But Hanna and Caroline never knew it.  The girls never knew the joy of receiving them.  That's like our new little baby Lily.  Here Caroline is urging her sister to open a gift.  Lily is lovin' the hoopla, but has no clue what makes this morning so different!

Well, Lily...we're giving gifts because we want to be like Jesus.  He gave a gift that spared no expense, was tailor-made for each heart, imparts value to the recipient, and brings great joy.  What could do all that?  

Jesus is offering us His presence.  And a way to reconnect with the Father.  And a power source for pleasing God.  Who could turn down that Gift?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from our house to yours!  The Cruses are looking in the rearview mirror at 2010 and remembering an assortment of feelings this year...

...feeling ELATED because Baby Lily Cruse arrived (half-grown @ 9#11oz) on July 23rd in NYC.  Do you notice the hospital in the second picture?  Roosevelt Hospital is where Brad practices his dentistry.  The NYC Cruses have been at their outpost 4.5 years now.

...feeling HEAVYHEARTED because Mike's father, "Daddy Bert", died on Independence Day.  July brought the bittersweet of the verse that says "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away...blessed be the name of the Lord".  Daddy Bert had generously been given 33,670 individual days (that means his age was 92.3) and people remember his sweet spirit and generous heart.  My husband looked after his father well.

...feeling TREASURED because Mike and I celebrated 40 years of marriage.

...feeling BLESSED with our children and grandchildren.

When Lily was born, The Buggy made a trip to NYC for baby inspection and we also wanted to keep Hanna and Caroline so their parents could move to a larger apartment.  We found a place on the internet in northern New Jersey that was an RV campground with rural experiences (hayrides, petting animals, Olympic-sized pool, etc.).  We put The Buggy there...unhooked the car...and drove into the city to kidnap the little girls.  Here is a picture of Brad/Hanna actually saving a parking place as we arrived.  You may have to enlarge the pic to see her little hand waving us in.

The little girls love to read...Hanna started kindergarten this year and already reads on about a second grade level.  They brought their favorite movie (The Sound of Music) and Mimi thinks they are genius' because they sing along with EVERY word out of Julie Andrews' mouth.  

And here is our other great blessing, Nate Saferite.  Our special time with Nathan is on Tuesday afternoons when we pick him up from school and keep him till bedtime.  Papa gave Nate a BB gun for his 6th birthday, and they plink around with that or shoot a bow/arrow.  Or Papa tries to beat him at Uno.  This was Nate's kindergarten year and he loves going with his Mama to their neighborhood school where Beth also teaches.  Nate has seen his favorite movie (Toy Story 3) three times.  The movie came out in regular or 3D, but Nate's choice would be to see it in "Free D" (as he says). 

...feeling PRIDE (the good kind).  If we said that our son-in-law won an award, would you think we mentioned that last year?  You'd be right because last year Matt did win an award.  But this year HIS SCHOOL was picked as one of five junior highs in the nation for the most improved.  Yeehaw, Ramay!

...feeling A PART OF.  The Cruses are getting to know the sweet people of our new church, Black Oak Baptist.  We are working with the children and Mike is doing a great job teaching a Sunday School for younger couples (who call us their "elders").  They're not making reference to church structure, but to chronological assessment.  Oh, are they right!

...feeling CONNECTED.  This year I got back with an old friend, Bible Study Fellowship.  BSF kicked off a new study this year in the book of Isaiah.  I can't wait to tell Isaiah how much I've loved his book.  The study has caused me to think a lot about the curiosity of sovereignty...and the way God's glory is revealed in both His wrath and His grace.

...feeling the RICHNESS OF GOD'S GRACE.  As people get older and wax nostalgic, we consider all that the Lord has done for us.  Our hearts are full as we think about our kids parenting their kids...

Mike and I are increasingly aware that each day we are given is a gift to unwrap and use.  We stand amazed that the Maker of the world...chose humbly to come to His creation to provide accessibility to the Father.  Now He is the Giver of all good gifts.  And as Head @Command Central, He holds all things together for the day when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God.  What a comprehensive Savior!  We are sheltered by that thought.

"Everything comes from him; everything happens through him; everything ends up in him. Always glory!  Always praise!  Yes.  Yes.  Yes."  Romans 11.36 TM

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Are you familiar with the term banty rooster?  My mother used that term.  Wiki says he is technically a Bantam Rooster, which is a small bird who swaggers and tries to out-rooster the other chickens in the barnyard.  There are some people who act like this petite bird...
Here is a banty rooster on the world's stage.  Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a stated goal to crumble world order in order to bring divine rule.  He sees himself as the one to set the stage to usher in Islam's Twelfth Imam.  The rest of the world is foot shuffling to see how long it is until this man has a nuclear tool chest.  He's looking to pick a global fight and draw the nations.  What would it be like to live under that leadership? 
These birds (above/below) cooperated to swagger on a smaller scale.  Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, purportedly tried to cleanse OUR political system through exposing national secrets.  Of course in the cleansing process, the man extorted...diminished our country's capacity to lead the free world...and perhaps caused physical harm to American allies.  Messy cleansing, Mr. Assange.   
The reported leaky source of secrets came from this disgruntled gay man, Bradley Manning, who was angry about a caldron of gripes.  His story seems to be the proof text for why gays and the military do not mix.  How in the world did one unhappy and unstable young man get access to classified documents?  On a positive note, Bradley Manning has been declared a hero in Berkley, California.

The bodacious pair (Assange/Manning) took leadership positions that did not belong to them.  No one voted for them to be in charge of America's secrets.  So they are thieves and imposters who usurped their leadership positions.  Although the men claim altruistic motivation, Manning also says he was looking for retribution against the Army's "Don't Ask" policy...while Assange just seemed to enjoy his five minutes of power and fame while pursuing "openness".     

What about leadership "across the pond"?  Europe is being influenced by anger and force in the streets.  Usually cool and calm, the Brits fired up and their youth rioted over college tuition.  Huh?  Perhaps it makes as much sense to riot about tuition as it does to riot over retirement.  That's what the French youth did when they hit the streets in October, upset about the suggestion to move their retirement age up from age 60 to 62.  Toss the Greeks into that bunch, too.  Their streets are full of "push-back".

 These young European rioters
bow up under leadership.  They are the product of a generation who have lived on government's dime and they've come to expect freebies.  That system breeds takers rather than givers.  So in France, when asked to make an adjustment for their country's survival, their response was outrage.  

Authority around the globe seems to be coming apart at the seams as anarchists, cyber bullies and street thugs knock down the weight-bearing walls that protect us.  The time is ripening for the Prince of Peace.  We won't get peace from Ahmadinejad and we won't be cleansed by Jullian Assange or Bradley Manning.  Bringing peace is a God-sized job in our world.  The red-and-green season celebrates Christ's first coming as a baby, but His followers know that when He returns it will be in power.

What about power and leadership?  What would be the opposite of a swaggering/out-roostering leader?  A humble leader?  That's Jesus.  Humility is power under control.  He was scourged and crucified and did not defend himself...power under control.

God sent the Son to a world in darkness, a world thirsty for a Reconciler, a Purpose-Giver, a Protector/Friend, and a Rock of Assurance.  That's Jesus.

Leading by example, He taught and healed and loved and challenged and wept for humanity.  Jesus served the people who followed Him. His leadership was pure in motive...and proven as He willingly pulled the hill to Golgotha, and then left empty grave clothes inside the tomb. 

Now THERE'S a powerful Leader you can count on.

"For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on things that are unseen.  What can be seen lasts only for a time, but what cannot be seen lasts forever."  2Corinthians 4:18

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


If you are driving onto the island of Manhattan through the Lincoln Tunnel, this billboard grabs your attention.

The caption makes you think.  I'm guessing that the atheists who sponsored the visual plunked down some big bucks since nothing in NYC is cheap.  They should get credit for putting their money where their mouth is. But atheists have always mythtified me.

The word atheist ("a" meaning "without"....and "theos" meaning "god") is a declaration.  Someone without God is someone who has decided he can do just fine, thankyouverymuch, on his own.  So, here's the puzzle.   What is there is about aloneness that makes them want to get up a busload?  If independence is blissful, why do they need to attract company to be alone?

Check out the billboard again and see the charge on Line Two.  It says "celebrate REASON".  So now I'm saying to myself...is it REASONABLE to think the earth created itself in intricate detail?  Is it REASONABLE to assume the miracle of the human body evolved?  Frankly, my faith isn't large enough to believe "random explosion" over "divine intention".  Believing God seems reasonable to my brain.

Even still, what I like about the Lord is that He left a lot of empirical evidence to aid in our discovery/verification process.  And He left the evidence right out in the open in His book.  Still, it takes some digging to put it together.  You don't usually find diamonds lying above ground.

THE STAR.  Last week astronomers had a big announcement about what's new "out there" in the skies.  Their Hubble is showing them things they never knew existed.  Astronomers are smart, but tomorrow may bring totally new information because they only know what they've seen.  Back in Isaiah's day, the scientists thought the world was flat and held up by three elephants.  I mention that not to injure science, but to say that reason without data is futile.  I smile when I think of the Spirit moving Isaiah to write 40.22 "it is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers".  Wonder what was going through Isaiah's head as he wrote those words?  "Well, Lord I'll write what you say, but you know how crazy that is 'cuz the earth is flat!"

THE WISE MEN.  Here's another thing that is reasonable to me.  God began dealing with people long before watches or phones.  So He taught them to mark time by the sky (moon phase calendar) and He also told them He would communicate with them from those same skies.  In fact, the sky was God's billboard and He didn't even have to pay through the nose like the atheists did.  Ever wonder about those wise men who followed the star?  As Butch Cassidy and Sundance might ponder..."who ARE those guys?"

God has a reputation for working things together for good to those who love Him.  In 605BC, when Babylon gave Israel a whoopin' and the Israelites were carried off to captivity in the wicked city south of Baghdad...that was the bad news.  But the good news was that now one of God's people (Daniel) was inside a pagan land which was the capital of the known world.  Opportunity!  Babylonians were a scientifically advanced culture and the Chaldeans had a particular interest in astronomy.  (Now at this point I always have to stop and say "astronomy"..."astrology" to remember which I'm talking about.  Astrology says if you are born when the stars are aligned a special way, you are born with certain "bents".  Wouldn't that would fly in the face of God's individual design of each of us?)

But back to the Chaldean astronomers.  When Daniel's circumstances elevated him to national prominence, Daniel's God became famous.  That led King Nebuchadnezzar to bend his knee to the King of Kings.  We have no idea how many Babylonians followed suit, but it's still not surprising that even hundreds of years later Chaldean astronomy would include an understanding of the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah.  They knew what Scripture said, so they watched the skies and God led them by starlight to just the right spot.

And the gifts they brought?  They were worshipping and honoring the Anticipated One.  You know about gold, but do you know about frankincense and myrrh?  A cut is made in a tree grown one place in the Middle East (Somalia).  As the tree oozes, the sap dries in a lump and is later popped off.  The frankincense can be made into incense and the myrrh is ground into powder and oil is added to make a potion that was used to prepare a body for burial.  Both the frankincense and myrrh were fragrant and very expensive.

So when the Wise Man brought GOLD to Jesus, he might have bowed and said "You are the King of all kings!"  His gift of the most valuable metal declared the King's worth.

When the Wise Man brought FRANKINCENSE he might have bowed and said,  "You are God!" And his fragrant gift would be burned as incense, a picture of prayers going up to God.

The Wise Man who brought MYRRH might have said, "You are the Sacrifice!" His worship gift was a foreshadowing of Jesus' purpose for coming to earth.  Thank you, Spirit, for giving Jesus strength to accomplish His work.

Christians through the ages have looked at the star and wise men and the truth found in the Book.  Their conclusion is "Jesus" while others conclude "myth".  When the dust is all settled, it comes down to each heart.  We arrive in life with many choices already made for us.  I got brown eyes and a little brother and I was born in the USA.  I'm grateful, but I had no say over those things.  Here's what we do get a "say" about...whether or not we come to know our Maker.

If you haven't met Him, grab your pick ax and get to digging in His Word.  You might be totally surprised at all Jesus has to say.  I was.

"For God, who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness', has made us understand that this light is the brightness of the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4.6 NLT