Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Our world has weathered 2011 (notwithstanding Harold Camping) and we're marching into 2012 (notwithstanding the Mayans).

Below please find several bookmarks from the old year.  If you like a video montage, you might want to click here.

There was considerable anger in America in 2011 because our economy is broken and we don't think anyone is minding the store.  Occupiers were born.  They're a new movement of angry people who said they were goofed at the 1%.  It seems pretty easy these days to work up a good case of mad.

America felt earthquakes in unusual places and one cracked the Washington Monument.  In the North there was water from Hurricane Irene and a crushing pre-Halloween snow.  In the South, we hit record high temperatures and drought...and the deadliest tornado in 60 years which picked clean a wide swath through Joplin, Missouri.

On the far side of the world, Japan suffered an awful 9.0 earthquake/tsunami, compounded by the associated nuclear disaster.

We watched Prince William marry lovely Kate...and Rep. Gabby Giffords recover.

Bin Laden, Gadhafi, Liz Taylor, and Steve Jobs.  Some people you will miss more than others.  You probably heard, but it bears repeating...that Jobs' sister reports his last words were "Oh wow.  Oh, wow.  Oh, WOW!"

Charlie Sheen, Casey Anthony, Jerry Sandusky, Rep. Anthony Weiner, and former Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Hmmm.  This is harder.  Who comes to your mind that might get a big attaboy for their contribution to 2011?

Certainly soldiers in harm's way make the list.  Add police and firemen...the Seal 6 team who took out Bin Laden...and the people who responded to Joplin.  Maybe I'm forgetting someone.  

Who chooses less to give others more?  Who has been a purifying influence or called us higher?  Tebow tried.  Who else?  Sounds like Mamas and Daddys and pastors and missionaries.  Sounds like the Passion Conference.

Who?  Passion is a four-day gathering held a couple of times a year for 18-25 year olds; Passion 2012 is happening NOW in the Georgia Dome/Atlanta.  They have SOLD OUT with 44,000 students!  What a terrific training for future attaboy moments!  This worship conference is challenging the next generation to be salt/light for Jesus.  I'm old and sometimes discouraged by the darkness; watching this video gives me an infusion of hope.   video

So WELCOME, 2012 with your 525,600 minutes of fresh potential.

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