Saturday, September 10, 2011


Reliving 9.11 is hard.  Yesterday I listened to some newly-released audio tapes of the air traffic controllers as they tried to piece together what was happening.  My body tensed and though if they just hurried, they could change history.  It's awful seeing the anguish on the faces of family and excruciating to think of how so many people perished.  

Cartoonists have drawn special strips for the anniversary as our nation grieves.

We could never guess the depth of evil in the world that is actively engaged against us.  But on 9.11, when evil raised it's ugly head, there followed for us a euphoria of just being glad to be alive...and gratitude for what we have in America...and special gratitude for our families.  "Zits" is a cartoon which daily portrays a family who struggle to live with their teenager.  But not on 9.11.  

Resolve, rebuild, retaliate.  

America's response began with the brave passengers on Flight 93 who stormed the cockpit and probably saved our Capitol.  Then after the towers fell, men and women poured into NYC to help dig for survivors.  Volunteers nailed boards to make stretchers.  Within hours, lines were out the door @ the Red Cross centers across the country as people gave blood.  Young men signed up for the armed forces.  Flags were flying everywhere.  Americans worked together and that unity felt good.

We remember how those firemen were lined up and heading into the building while the survivors ran out.  That was amazing courage and a high calling to give your life for others.  Last night we watched footage that reminded us of how in that first few days, the pile kept shifting and the workers had to run back away from it.  Those volunteers knew the air was not good and they knew the workplace was hazardous.  But someone had to do it.  God, bless them.

Brave men left home and family to sweat in 120 degree weather...forfeiting a comfy bed/nice meals/their safety.  Who does that for someone else?  We owe the military and we cheered when they got Bin Laden.

Charles Krauthammer writes..."9/11 was our Pearl Harbor.  This time, however, the enemy had no home address.  No Tokyo.  That's why today's war could not be wrapped up in a mere four years.  It was an unconventional war by an unconventional enemy embedded within a worldwide religious community.  Yet in a decade, we largely disarmed and defeated it, and developed the means to continue to pursue its remnants at rapidly decreasing cost.  That is a historic achievement.

How is such a monumental task accomplished if the threat is still there? Go back our initial response.  Remember resolve, rebuild, and retaliate?

We are rebuilding.  We have retaliated.  How's our resolve?  

Resolve is sagging.  Somehow the years have insulated us from the enemy.  Now the fashion is to say that alQaeda is really not a threat.  After all, they say...there has not been another successful attack.  Instead of acknowledging our protection came from the walls installed to protect us, there are complaints about how the walls harmed us.  That's incredible.  

The country holds a memorial service tomorrow and expunges God because He's too controversial.  The mayor asks "whose god should we invite?"...and goes on to say "we should remember the separation of church/state".  Excuse me, Sir?  The Constitution says government is not to impede religion.  And why not invite the God on whose principles the country was founded?

This is not hard.  This is basic stuff.  How did we get so far off base?

I read an editorial by Mark Steyn who said that we have moved from a "let's ROLL" a nation mired in "let's roll over" mush.

Can we expect God to bless America if we choose to ignore Him?  9.11 was our wakeup call.  Let's not push the snooze button.  PRAY.

1 comment:

  1. Good post as usual! I totally agree with Charles! He shoots straight from the hip!
