Our President's position is that he inherited debt. Fine. Two years ago that was true. SINCE THEN he has spent his way into more debt than the period from George Washington to George Bush. It is mind boggling that the total on HIS watch is more than the COMBINED amount of debt from our first to 43rd President. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123629969453946717.html
We have an ATM-in-Chief who theorizes the way out of debt is to whip out the plastic.
Consider the President's confusing comments. One side of his mouth says his first budget would cut the deficit in half. Sound familiar? That is because the second budget rolls around and he promises the EXACT same thing. Has he cut the deficit? This week he offers the most ridiculous budget, saying (my words) "ok, let's save by freezing the uber-inflated levels of this year, and in ten years just look how much that will save". Insulting. A YEAR ago he said "let's get a blue ribbon panel to come up with a plan for reducing the debt". They came back with a plan; he gave that plan a royal ignoring. One year goes down the tubes.
What about his fuzzy numbers? He projects funding the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq at surge level, then "saves" money by a future drawdown of troops. Voila, 1.9 trillion of paper savings from a prophet. Another example is his figure for the savings over next ten years based on an estimate of a yearly 4-5% growth in GDP. The whole chart is based on that optimistic growth rate estimate. Take a look at this GDP chart and ask yourself...would you bet the farm on that 5% estimated growth number? http://www.tradingeconomics.com/Economics/GDP-Growth.aspx?Symbol=USD
President Obama has a record of massaging numbers. Remember his inventive "jobs created or saved"? How about "shovel ready jobs"? http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20019468-503544.html Or "improving jobless numbers" (which do not take into consideration the number of workers who gave up looking). http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/learn-how-to-invest/The-real-unemployment-rate.aspx
President Obama's numbers are more than supple, they are double-jointed.
President Obama's numbers are more than supple, they are double-jointed.
Mr. President, your country is out of money. You are our leader, but you are not out ahead of us, addressing the problem. Are you waiting for the Republicans to do the dirty work of cutting so you can bring back all the familiar cries of "the Republicans want to starve old people and children"? My country's dilemma is not a political game.
Can we reason together? It is 2011 and our house is on fire. Someone needs to get the hose rather than argue about what color the flames are. Mr. President, please bow to necessity and get out your scissors. Don't wax eloquent with words ad infinitum. Don't dither (as over those Somali pirate kidnappers)...or vote "present".
LEAD, sir!
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