The President SAID "everyone has to do their part". Right on. Then when Wisconsin asked their public employees to do a little part by upping their 5% healthcare contribution to 12% (which is half the national average), people hit the pavement. Please don't miss the irony. The President said everyone has to sacrifice, but at the same time his inner "community organizer" was mobilizing protestors from inside the White House.
No one is trying to do away with unions; but unions could do away with our country's economy with their high demands. Union members should be Americans first. Sarah Palin tweeted the truth as she addressed her "union brothers and sisters"...saying Wisconsin taxpayers shouldn't be asked to pay for benefits "that are not sustainable". She went on to say "real solidarity means everyone being willing to sacrifice".
They had elections in Wisconsin and Scott Walker was elected governor by a margin of 52-48%. He was elected on the promise to do just what he is doing - trying to cut spending and balance the WI budget. Everyone knows why those Democratic state senators ran under an Illinois rock to hide. The same November election changed the numbers in their workplace and now they're on the losing side of a vote. Their stunt stymies the democratic process. If you didn't get a chance to hear the Governor of Wisconsin, he made a great appeal for reason.
Everyone agrees that the debt is unsustainable. Last November, Americans said QUIT SPENDING and REDUCE GOVERNMENT. If you read the Square Nail's last blog, there was a call for leadership. After seeing what happened in WI yesterday, I realize our leader IS leading...and that chills me to the bone. He clearly does not intend to listen to the will of the people who elected him. The problem is not that he buys time over and over and kicks the debt can down the road. The problem is that he SAYS the right things, yet does just the opposite.
So just exactly where IS this port that the President is taking our ship of state? Here are a couple of safe guesses:
Health and Human Services is hiring 650 new employees to staff the "Medicare/Medicaid Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight". They are looking for 1.5 MILLION square feet in the Maryland suburbs.
The new budget proposes a 9.4% increase in IRS funding to allow them to hire 5,100 more IRS agents to do tax enforcement.
Here is just one link (there are myriad) to things the President has said in the past that...well...didn't exactly prove true. This author calls his list "Obama Statement Expiration Dates".
That was the past. These days the President says "my budget will cut the deficit in half"...then the budget does no such thing. What are reasonable people to think? Here is what Erskine Bowles had to say. He's the Democratic co-chair of the president's commission chosen to fix the problem. "The budget is nowhere near where they will have to go to resolve our fiscal nightmare."
Here is what Americans for Tax Reform said: "Rather than focusing on Washington's overspending problem, the budget calls for higher taxes on families and small businesses to pay for even more government spending."
You and I know that it is one thing to say something from a good heart, but then have to flex when circumstances change. But it is quite another thing to plan doublespeak. Last month this President's mouth called for civility, but this month he helps to put protestors on the street that looked like this.
Duplicitous? Why? Where is America headed?
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