Monday, February 4, 2019


The Democratic nominees for 2020 look to be many.  If Americans are swayed by a pretty face, take note that Kamala Harris has jumped into the deep end.

Here's something I like about her.  She has an Indian Mama and a Daddy from Jamaica, but when asked about how she would describe herself, she replied "a proud American".

Her appeal will be multi-faceted.  She's a woman, a pretty woman, a woman of color, and smart.  Well, perhaps you wouldn't put dating Willie Brown in the smart column.  He is thirty years her senior and married, but he did have power to offer.

Ms. Harris' legal career pads her resume, assuming you don't count those 600 dismissed cases and other troubles.

At age 54, the rest of Kamala Harris' resume is "wet paint".  She is "new" to things such as NEWLY MARRIED (2014), NEW SENATOR (2017), and she had six years experience as Attorney General of CA.

Ms. Harris' campaign schtick will be a line from her opening foray:  "The value we as Americans cherish are all on the line now.  The future of our country depends on you and millions of others lifting our voices to fight for our American values."

So what are Ms. Harris' values?Here's what she is advocating in her speeches:

FOR abortion (100% rating with Planned Parenthood)
FOR gun control ("F" rating from NRA)
FOR free healthcare for all
FOR free college for all
FOR sanctuary cities/DACA
FOR cannabis
OPPOSED to death penalty

Not all Americans embrace THOSE values, Ms. Harris.

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