Friday, March 17, 2017


Mike and I watched "Places in the Heart" last week.  It has been a long time since we've seen it and we would place it up there beside "To Kill a Mockingbird" in the way it displays virtue in the face of cultural ungodliness.

Know what ungodliness is?  Ungodliness is when we act in opposition to God's character.  He is kind and we are self-absorbed, He is forgiving and we are into retaliation, He is loving and we love those who are like us, He is slow to anger and we snap, He displays grace and mercy and we expect tit-for-tat.

"Places in the Heart" is a beautiful snapshot of the contrast between godliness and ungodliness.

"Church" bookends this movie; it opens and closes with a church building, a church song, and church people.

Interestingly, one of the church visuals is a European-looking church that is much outsized for the small Texas town setting.  That seemed to be saying that the people are overpowered by the church rather than be powered by God.

In fact, the movie seems to make the point that the church was full of hypocrites.  Since I'm one, there's no argument from me on that.  It's easy to know right but not act right.

Set in 1935 in Waxahachie, Texas, "Places in the Heart" also includes some unrighteousness (opposition to God's laws).  There is blatant discrimination as the town's people reject and beat a black man, the banker seems particularly unhelpful to a widow, and there is a cheating spouse as well as a cheating gin-operator.


Loved watching Sally Field, PERIOD!  She did receive Best Actress for this 1984 role.  Loved watching her recover and shine as Edna, the widow who was totally unprepared for life's hardball.  Loved her sparkly act of grace over the stolen silver spoons and her interaction with her cute kiddos, Possum and Frank.  Felt the fierceness of her heartbreak in moments when she missed her husband (especially in the discipline of Frank).

Loved the rest of this fabulous ensemble cast.  Loved seeing how the blind boarder, the hobo, and Edna's family all became a family as their attitudes readjusted.  When the tornado came, they risked their lives, one for another.

The movie's end reminded my why my first viewing caused tears.  Our sin makes us unworthy, but the movie attests to the hope of forgiveness that is found in Christ.

As communion is passed at the end, we see the reality of Jesus' power which purchased peace with God.  Then the Holy Spirit reminds us of the hope of a coming day when things will be set right.  LINK

In that day, sin's absence will subtract opposition to God's character and His laws.  Then, the top "place in our hearts" will belong to Him.

If you haven't seen "Places in the Heart", give Netflix a call...

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