Saturday, February 4, 2017


Remember singing "Joy to the World" just two months ago?

In the third stanza we sing "He makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness".

What exactly does that mean?  Those words came to mind this week as we studied John 13 in our Bible Study Fellowship lesson.

The setting for that chapter is the Upper Room as Jesus and the disciples are taking the Passover meal (that we call the Last Supper).  Then very unexpectedly, the Creator of the Universe stoops down to serve the creatures by washing their feet.

First, the apostle Peter recoils in a man-centered response (just as you or I might) and refuses for the Master to do such a menial chore for him.  But then the big fisherman says "Lord, wash all of me!" as their Teacher shows them that the essence of their ministry will be "through love, serve one another".

As we answered our lesson questions, we tried to think of all the things that had to be swirling around in Jesus' mind just then.  The crucifixion would be the next day, His men were still "not getting it", and then there was the whole Judas thing.

The Good Shepherd knew Judas' heart from the beginning; He saw the outcome when He picked Judas to be a disciple.  Besides the fact that He was God...with all that was going on, how did Jesus hold all that in His head and choose to demonstrate humility?

God the Son knew God the Father was in charge.  That truth brings a quietness in chaos.

John 13 shows a man hanging onto his life...and a man whose life was changing profoundly as he gave it away.  The Lord gave Peter the understanding that the Lord's example was a call to love and serve in self-abandonment.  The Book says we are blessed (happy) when we give our lives away.  But Judas was keeping more than just the money bag.  He was keeping HIMSELF and that decision led to a state of misery before he hanged himself at the end of a rope.

Perhaps in the beginning Judas saw the miracles and really thought Jesus was the Messiah.  Who doesn't want to be on the winning team?  But as time went on, Judas saw the Master give money away and his greed grew.  When there was no prestige in following a man condemned to die, his pride grew.  In the end, the betrayer had remorse, but no repentance.

And Jesus?  For three years, He had befriended Judas as He poured His life into the backstabber. Then around the Passover table, Jesus  leaned forward and offered Judas his last act of friendship and love.  He gave Judas the first honored piece of bread that symbolically was dipped in wine (pointing to the Promised Land).  Instead of melting in the grace of that moment, Judas did not change course...and the Bible says Jesus was deeply distressed.

"After Judas took the piece of bread, Satan entered into him.  Jesus said to him 'What you are about to do, do quickly'.  (Now none of the present at the table understood why Jesus said this to Judas.  Some thought that because Judas had the money box, Jesus was telling him to buy whatever they needed for the feast, or to give something to the poor.)  Judas took the bread and went out immediately.  (Now it was night.)"

Our BSF lecture leader said "Judas' hypocrisy was so polished that none of the disciples suspected he was the betrayer".  As he left the Upper Room, the darkness inside Judas was greater than the darkness of the night.  It is super creepy to think of Satan fully filling Judas, but no betrayal or rebellion can affect the Father's plan.

Now would you go back with me to the Christmas carol lyrics at the beginning?  God makes all people (the nations) prove His righteousness by showing us our unrighteousness and need of Him.  He let Judas "run his string" just as He lets each of us come to the end of ourselves.  Jesus fully loved all twelve of His friends to the end, proving that love overcomes darkness.  Oh, how He loves you and me!  Love wins.


Every human heart is rebellious ("all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God").  Every human heart needs to be made right with God.  Jesus is the Way because His death made the way.  His Word is Truth and His desire is that we might have the Life with Him for eternity.  What a loving Savior!

Won't you move toward the wonders of His love today?

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! He has given you a beautiful gift of composing your thoughts. Please keep it up 💕🙏
