Saturday, September 6, 2014


What's up is down and what's down is up.  That's the way of this world.

But aren't we cautioned to not call what is good, evil...or call what is evil, good?

Here are just a few things from the headlines that seem to be awkwardly unaware of such caution.

This man snagged an interview with the President for his inaugural broadcast of "Meet the Press" tomorrow.  Know why?

Night-before-last on the news, Brian Williams reports that the President was "CLEAR" when he spoke to the nation about an ISIS response.  I guess if you didn't hear him speak, you could believe that.

All other outlets besides NBC were reporting presidential confusion. That's because his words described our  goal was to "degrade and destroy ISIS"...and later in the same speech said the goal was to get to the point "where it is a manageable problem".

The President's third try to articulate his position was clinical and robotic before he closed by saying (again) they were working on strategy.  He just seems "put out" by having to mess with the overseas stuff that in getting in the way of his peace-time presidency.

The AP is reporting LINK that not only has the IRS lost Lois' emails, now they have also lost FIVE other people connected to the scandal.

So we are required to believe that with all the backing up...with all the laws requiring governmental agencies to back up...with all the NASA data-gathering...STILL these specific email accounts went poof.

Lois' email loss strained incredulity; this new news is pure Nixonian.  The only difference was that in Nixon's day, when he ordered his underlings to do illegal things, some of those underlings refused.

A demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to prejudices rather than by using a rational argument.  The lady on the left is head of the DNC.  She said this week that the Governor of Wisconsin gave women "the back of his hand" and was "yanking women by the hair and dragging them back".  Say whut?

In 2012, the Governor signed a bill rescinding the equal pay law.  Was that because he likes to demean women?  Oh, please.  He has a logical explanation for his action and it involves the way lawyers are benefiting from the way the law was written.  PolitiFact calls Debbie's claims FALSE in this LINK.

Perhaps you thought she was talking about the President because HE has not narrowed the 13% gap in HIS White House pay scale.  But that can be explained rationally, too.  LINK  Debbie Wasserman Schultz is flopping around looking for any good news anywhere for her party, and has resorted to ginning up two-year-old grievances with awful word pictures.  Today she apologized.

Remember when Bin Laden's hideout was said to have a treasure trove of information?  There were literally a million documents and in the 3+ years since, SEVENTEEN documents have been declassified and released.

Reasonable people could agree that you wouldn't want to give away your game.  But there might be SOME releases that could paint a better picture of what we face.

After Bin Laden, President Obama was saying Al Qaeda was on the run, yet we had embassies being closed all over the world and ISIS was rising.  The House Intelligence Committee reported that the Bin Laden intel generated 400 intelligence reports.  That doesn't sound like Al Qaeda was running away from us at all.

In fact, a larger picture is emerging as we watch AL QAEDA AFFILIATES strengthened around the world.  There is ISIS in Syria/Iraq, Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al-Shebab in Somalia, AQAP in Yemen, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Perhaps we did declare the war over, but Al Qaeda didn't quit.

Here's a LINK  is to a Sharyl Attkisson video as she explains how the government is not answering any questions about the children they have relocated around the country.

We understand they do not want people to protest.  But how can they put the rights of illegals above the rights of citizens?  Shouldn't the feds be required to at least TELL states when they are shipping people to them?  And when HHS does not cooperate with Congressional requests for information, how can Congress provide oversight into the huge and lucrative contracts being given out (of our pockets)?

Oh, and they can't find 6,000 foreign students whose visas have expired.  That reminds us that the ringleader of 9/11, Mohamed Atta, was here on an expired student visa.

As exasperating as it is when "bad" is called "good" and mismanaged, we do not expect things to be anything other than whomperjawed on this side of heaven.  We continue to follow Jesus while looking forward to the time He returns to set things right.  THERE'S the place we plant our flag and put our trust.

Can you imagine a world with the absence of sin?  What will a pure heart feel like?  Motives will be scrubbed and intentions will be loving.  The peace in that day will not be a pretend Nobel-prize peace.  All of creation will be restored to Eden's beauty.  Meat-eating animals will get along with grain-eaters as their essential nature is changed.  And we will enjoy great fellowship and joy in the presence of our King.


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