Saturday, October 31, 2009


Do you know where we got our calendar?
Or how it is set up?
Or if everyone else in the world
uses the same one?
This weekend we fall back into a new category of time as "daylight saving time" clicks off. Now we have to know how all our appliance clocks work. Aaugh.

Calendars are a challenge since we're constantly having to throw in some time (like leap year) to make them come out right. Since I am an Americentrist (my map has America in the center), I use the Gregorian calendar. Where did I get that? It came from the Pope who got it from Julius Caesar (the Julian calendar). Our Gregorian calendar is largely a solar calendar, but we place Easter each year by using the lunar calendar. If you are Muslim, you use a lunar calendar. You may think the Jews use the Biblical calendar, but they have tweaked it over the years and added man's tradition. The Jewish calendar is called the Calculated Jewish Calendar. So we can't exactly go by that. We can go to what God told Moses (first five books of the Bible, the Torah) and see what God ordained as the Biblical calendar.

Consider how God counts time. Go back...waay back. If you were dealing with people who did not have a watch like the one above, how would you let them know when to start counting the day? Our day starts after midnight. How would shepherds know when midnight was? You could start the day when the first light was observed, but many would be sunset is a much better choice. Everyone could see the sun drop down behind the horizon line. VOILA!...A new day. And that is what Israel did. You saw Fiddler on the Roof. Remember when they were rushing around to set the table before the sun went down? Besides, the Jews went by what God had said: "and it was evening and morning, one day". Genesis 1:5

OK, that's a day. What about a week? A month? A year? How would you break down time into those pieces? Would you watch the moon? It counts their month for them. The moon cycle starts as a sliver and moves until it is bright and full, then keeps going until it is the opposite crescent, then disappears a while, then repeats. When Israel sees the first crescent, if you count to the next new crescent it will be 29.5 days. New crescent moon to full moon is 14 days. Makes sense. And the week? Well, each quarter of the moon is seven days. Yahweh made it easy to count time. They just look up. I'll bet that kept them in better touch with creation/Creator as they were reminded to "look up" for direction.

The Hebrew word for week is "shabua" and it shows completeness or perfection. We first saw the word when God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because in it He had rested from all His work. The word for "rested" is the root word for "shabath"...the Sabbath. Leviticus 23:15 affirms that the Lord intended to use seven days for a week throughout time.

When the Creator divided the year into months, He did not say anything about "January" or "February", etc. Why would He? January comes from a Roman mythology god of the doorway. Good luck getting through that door. And February is also Roman and comes from the Latin for "purification". Can we just agree that there is only one Purifier and Door?

God's names for months were also markers for where He would put His celebration days. ("Look for the new moon of Abib and keep the Passover".) You don't get to move God's special days around to suit people's vacation schedule like we do with George Washington/Abraham Lincoln's birthdays. Our God is a great mathematician and things click right along as they have since time began. The Jews were told exactly (Leviticus 23:2) when the correct days were to observe His feasts in proper worship. The observances are placed for a sovereign reason.

"My days are like a shadow that lengthens, and I wither away like grass. But You, O Lord, shall endure forever, and the remembrance of Your name to all generations. You will arise and have mercy on Zion, for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come." Psalm 102:11-13 NKJV

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Is there any doubt that our God does all things well? Check out those four maple trees in our neighbor's front yard. He planted them 19 years ago; they are the "Flaming Red" variety... and don't they flame? Thanks, Mr. Les, for sharing them with the neighborhood. And thanks, Lord, for thinking up maple trees. That Elohim (the Creator God) does an amazing job with rich colors and intricate detail!

Each season is my most favorite, but I do like
fall. If you look closely out our window, maybe you can tell that we had our first frost on the punkin' last night.

The colors of fall are my decorating palette...I love the brick red and orange and spice tones. And I found some lovely half-off fake veggies at Hobby Lobby to make a door wreath. Just call us seasonally appropriate.

I have a personal reason for loving fall - my grandmother LOVED fall and waited for this
tree beside her house to turn every year. I wish
she could see these beautiful red maples in NW
Arkansas. I wonder if "Miss Bessie" ever got this far north in her lifetime. My grandmother grew up, married, and lived all her life in Des Arc, Arkansas. She never owned a car, but walked everywhere. She was a second grade teacher for 32 years in the SAME classroom. Wait! Well...
duh! Grandmother IS seeing way more glorious scenery where she is. Ah, can it be?

And speaking of seasons and heaven, I spent all
day yesterday and today working on a Bible study. I couldn't put it down. Mike is hunting and that gave me a pass to go AWOL. I am struck with the Feasts of Israel and how God uses them to speak to the world. What could be more easily understood than hanging a sign in the sky? Everyone could see it...if they just knew what they were seeing...

Here are some things I picked up in the study:

1. When I hear "Feasts of Israel", I think of Golden Corral. But did you know that the Hebrew for that word "feast" has nothing to do with food? Back in Genesis 1:14, Elohim said "let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for SEASONS ("mo'ed") and for days and years." So God calendars by these lights He hung. And the "seasons" are His festivals.

2. That word for season ("mo'ed") is also the word for "assembly or gathering or a set time or appointment. And it also can be translated "feast". So these seasonal gatherings that the Lord sprinkled on the calendar were put there to declare His glory and to "rehearse" His two great appointments on His daytimer (the Biblical calendar). I heard a Messianic pastor say it was much better to hang a sign in the heavens than to hang a signal lantern ("one if by land, two if by sea").

3. The Jewish Feast Days don't exactly belong exclusively to Israel. In Scripture they are known as "Jehovah's Feasts". So they actually belong to the church as well. But not many in the church know about them. They will get interested, though, when they see how related the feasts are to prophecy and Christ's return. We can mark time in our calendars by the sun (the Gregorian calendar) and moon (Israel's calendar). Gentiles see solar eclipses as signs, but Israel notices lunar eclipses.

4. When you read Joel 2:31, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Luke 22:25, Revelation 6:12, and Acts hear repeated that a sign of Christ's coming will be cosmic upheaval and the moon turning blood red. You can see the picture above of the blood moon over the Temple Mount.

5. Did you know that you can go to NASA's website:
to find out about solar and lunar eclipses that are past/present/future? The earth, moon, and sun have to be lined up a certain way for a lunar eclipse to happen. This century there have been some, but the only string of four consecutive blood moons that actually fall on God's feast days (Passover in the spring and Succoth in the fall) have occurred when something was going on historically with Israel. Now isn't that interesting? There was a blood moon on Passover and Succoth in:

1493/1494 when the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492
Then, nothing in the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries
1949/1950 after Israel became a nation in 1948
1967/1968 when Israel won the 6 Day War and took Jerusalem back
The next tetrad (four consecutive blood moons) that match Feast Days are scheduled for 2014/2015. Then, there are none for the next 500 years.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul. And let all that is within me bless His holy name." Psalm 103:1

Sunday, October 11, 2009


A real surprise for me is when I go to paint my face in the morning, pull the mirror up, and by mistake look into the magnifying side of the mirror. That jolt is a scary surprise, but these days it's getting harder and harder to really surprise anyone. People are urbane; nothing surprises sophistication. They have either "seen it all" or read about it. We are all like New Yorkers in that regard.

Or so I thought...UNTIL...I heard about men willing to strap on explosives so they could go to a land full of virgins. Now THAT was new. We all applaud soldiers who willingly put themselves in danger to protect their country. They risk their lives, but they want very much to come home and LIVE. Remember the kamikaze pilots toward the end of WW2? They chose suicide over the shame of surrender and I get that. But these "modern" terrorists on donkeys volunteer to die so they can score God points. Does God GIVE points for killing yourself and others?

Times have changed and we have an out-dated tendency to think logically and reason about the motivation of our enemies. We need to remember Iran's President Ahmadinejad. We were floored when it became obvious that he wasn't just irrational in the things he was fostering...but that his whole PURPOSE in his actions was to cause instability. We can't comprehend that because it cost the lives of his countrymen. So how would you broker peace deals with that man? We found out that in his belief system, they expect their "Mahdi" to return when things are in a flux. So he's all about causing flux and foment. Apparently in Iran their T-shirts don't say "got milk?" ...they say "got foment?" Ahmadinejad thinks his course is righteous. How far can you torque that twist on righteousness?

Now we need to rethink motivation and consider in that there are some people who LIVE for the exit door and doing harm to innocents in the pursuit of their cause is considered honorable. How topsy turvey is that? Didn't God say "choose life"? Where is their regard for life? Are they hearing from their Maker? Those poor souls deal daily with a punitive mentality and think God is like them (also punitive) and they die punitively. Trouble is...they take others with them.

Which brings us to the current state of our nation. In America, our starting place has traditionally been a place of reason, but we can no longer be sure that we all launch from that common spot. Reason would say that if leadership governs recklessly, they must either be newbies or inept. But that's true only if we launch from the same goal: i.e., the good of our country. We need to realize the possibility that current leaders have another view of "the good of our country".

The Obama administration is taking our country on a wild ride. Now these words aren't meant to imply that our President is a Muslim. Why bother speculating about President Obama's religious roots...when his philosophical roots are openly revealing contempt for the "sweet land of liberty". Listen to the cheery economic optimism from the White House these days about our economy turning around. Really? Only 4% of the stimulus money has been released into the economy, with the rest coming in 2013. Huh? We sure were in a desperate hurry to get that piddlin' 4%. Can a single-digit percentage really be jumpstartng the economy? Where did the rest of the money go? And what if the US economy is spiraling down as the dollar devalues? "Well, it IS!" might say. And what if nothing seems to be addressing the problem...but in fact, just more insolvency was coming to pass as more as more folks lose their jobs? "It IS!" say again. Then logic would demand we try something different to get better. But what if insolvency WAS the plan? What if economic takedown might be a way to take America to a desperate place that would allow paradigm change. We were promised change. But it may be morphing our country into something she never has been before. It all goes back to context and belief systems.

There was very little context offered to explain Candidate Obama's thinking when he arrived on the national scene. The things he said were lofty, but didn't quite match his voting record. The press brought softball questions to Mr. Obama's altar (if they brought any questions at all). We never found out why those radical people who hated America and could be placed on a flow chart with connections to our president...weren't seriously examined. They were either poopooed (like Bill Ayres) or sacrificed (like Jeremiah Wright) or ignored (like Sol Alinsky). How many Americans do you think even has heard the name Sol Alinsky? Yet our President patterned his beliefs after Mr. Alinsky.

And so now, little by little, we are seeing the president's true colors. Van Jones is "who Mr. Obama is". Valerie Jarrett (the president's Senior Advisor/ Assistant) LOVED Van Jones and so did Michelle Obama. Do you know what Mr. Jones espoused? A former Communist and Black Nationalist, he is NOT a friend to Israel and he thinks Bush masterminded 9/11. Is he crazy or does he really think those things? It makes the regular corrupt politicians who just broke the tax law to pad their net worth...seem like harmless underachievers.

Van Jones has resigned now. But he is a young version of the 60's generation who were radicalized under college professors and took to the streets to protest the country's capitalist system. They are all grown up now, and in grey hair they may look harmless (think Bill Ayres). But their choice to leave the streets and work within the system has paid off. I would think having a number of czars in Mr. Obama's cabinet would certainly qualify as success at "working within the system". I heard someone say the other day that this radical "ruling elite" were openly flaunting their arrogance in power grabs and that their arrogance was building a tower to the heavens. Well, that sounds familiar. Wasn't Babel the test run on that project? Hey Yogi Berra, it's deja vu all over again!

They have not taken into consideration that there is already Someone in the heavens in charge. He will have the final say about this "tower of power"...just as He did the last one. Man persists in trying to make a name for himself while God's purpose is for us to make a name for Him. Rebellion is a tired, old story with yet another new face on it.

"An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power; and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?" Jeremiah 5:30,31 NKJV