Wednesday, March 26, 2014


HOLD TIGHT because we live in challenging financial times that feel out of control.

Our attempts to spend our way out of this sluggish economy didn't' work. We owe 18+ trillion.  The young cannot get jobs.  The (ahem) older retirees feel their savings hedge on the future melting because savings accounts no longer deliver interest payments.  There is more governmental dependence and less free enterprise.

Into that scenario, what can help us dig out of our hole?  Can you think of any economic success story these days?  If there were one, wouldn't it be in all the news?

Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin has a comeback model that has proven results.

The Governor's conservative policies saw considerable opposition.  He is a "red" governor elected in a "blue" state.  Wisconsin is strong in public teacher unions and they came against him with guns blazing.

The unions intimidated loudly and imported protestors, flooding the capital.  That didn't work.  They tried to recall him and funneled more than $80 million into the recall election (as compared to $37.4 spent on the 2012 election).  There were threats against the Governor and his family.

But Scott Walker stood firm throughout.  And the people in Wisconsin who had voted 52% for him the first time... voted 53% for him in the recall election.

Now the state has a $1 billion budget surplus and an unemployment number far below the national rate.  As of December, it was 6.2% and is falling.  He is proposing a $504 million dollar property/income tax cut to return some surplus to the people.  HIS POLICIES HAVE WORKED!

If you didn't know about this, ask yourself...why?  Why wouldn't the media pick up this bit of good news so it can be celebrated and copied?  Don't we need financial solvency?

Ask yourself something else.  Why was this good man (and his family) threatened during this whole process?  What is WRONG with opposition that tries to destroy "the other side" because of differing political views?  Is their position so indefensible that it can't stand or fail based on its merits?

Conservative values WORK.  But there has not been a conservative able to articulate our position since Ronaldus Maximus, The Great Liberator.

Next weekend a meeting is scheduled at Amelia Island in Florida to gather Republicans (John Boehner, Eric Cantor,  Kevin McCarthy and 25 other members of Congress) to collaborate with a group dedicated to defeating conservatives in Congress.  Shame on them.

Conservative principles founded the Republican party and conservatives are not the ones who have left the tent.  We need policies from grown-ups like Governor Scott Walker, not more watered-down Republicans.  We are desperate for leadership and a firm hand on the tiller.

This VIDEO offers a breath of fresh air and the possibility that (as Bob Dylan would have said) "the times they are a'changin".

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