Thursday, February 20, 2014


Mike brought the paper to show me a  letter to the editor of our paper by a Mr. Gerald Holland from Bella Vista.  We do not know Mr. Holland, but I found his words worth repeating.

Gerald Holland was answering an atheist professor here at the university who had written a letter about how bothered he was that 30% of Americans believe the Bible literally.

I'll not name the professor, but he is just one example of the full court press against biblical thinking in today's colleges and universities.

Here's Mr. Holland's letter...IN HIS OWN WORDS:

"This 30% (of Biblical literalists) bothers the professor a lot and he would be less concerned if those people didn't take the Bible so literally.  The prof is also scared of Islamic terrorism, but to be on the safe side, he wants all to know that he loathes Christian conservatism just as much.

Does the professor think the Islamic terrorists would be good if 30% of Americans quit believing that the Bible is literal?  Would he be content if 15% were literalists?  Or would he need 0% Biblical literalists in order to sleep well?

If it's true that 30% of Americans are Biblical literalists, nearly all of them are peaceful, law-abiding, working, self-supporting, charitable citizens.  The fact that many of them don't vote should soothe the professor's nerves.  The presence and influence of his dreaded 30% in the press, entertainment, education, Congress and the White House is virtually nil.

However, fundamental, conservative Christianity does have a legacy.  It includes hospitals, orphanages, schools, charities, disaster relief, feeding the hungry, valuing human life, patriotism, financial responsibility, faith, comfort and spiritual guidance."

Mr. Holland goes on to say "I will credit the nonbelievers.  They have managed to hide their legacy "under a bushel", as Jesus said.  Communism, fundamental atheism's first monster child, reigned for 70 years in the bloody twentieth century.  This twisted utopia that the left and atheism now softly censure publicly (while privately admiring) starved, tortured, shot, and worked to death 100 million people in "peace time".  Add to this America's fifty million babies killed in the womb, which, at the core, is the atheistic concept that human life is just a mass of pulsating flesh.

Christian conservatives should keep in mind that the professor is typical of higher education's teaching establishment that tries to tear down everything your children learned at home and at church...just as soon as they get the power of passing or failing them.

He and his comrades disdain others as ignorant, backward bigots and believe their life-work is to remold our youth into liberal secularists and atheists.  Check carefully the institutions and faculties before turning your children over to smug atheists who despise our values.

Think of it also when the public colleges regularly raise fees and complain about needing more taxpayer money while taking five-six years to grant worthless degrees and put our kids deeper into debt."

Thank you, Mr. Holland, for speaking up.

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