Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The older you get, the more you reflect on your blessings.  That makes Mike and I big reflectors.

Back in the early 80's, Robert Lewis explained Psalm 84 in a sermon that was one of those blessings.  And in only about five years, I finished it in cross-stitch and it has been hanging in our kitchen ever since.

Mike and I know these words to be weight-bearing for living life.  What would YOU say a clear conscience is worth?  Or a joy that comes bubbling up...or the satisfaction that is a peaceful "settledness" with life...or the sweet fruit of relationships...or a ministry in other's lives?

All these things are true prosperity.

Mike and I were looking in the rearview mirror this morning, thinking about our prosperity in 2013.  We talked about how much we enjoyed our bucket list trip to the Canyonlands and loved playing in the pool.

But prosperity is in people.  Much of our 2013 was spent ricocheting between Little Rock girls and Fayetteville boys (between American Girl dolls and Legos).  Both boy and girl grands did agree on one thing.  They want to go hunting and Papa is just the guide for the job.

So far the deer have eluded firstborn NATE (9), but he's getting to be a good shot.  Smaller game beware.

The thing we've noticed about Nate this year is the way he generously loves his little brother, who is a scene-stealer.  But then, Will does call Nate's name about every third word AND has been known to come up behind Nate and hug his legs from behind at every chance.

Nate's favorite things are trips to Silver Dollar City with his Daddy, having time/space to assemble a big new Lego project. and gaining mastery of his new Ripstick.

Oh, and one other thing.  Nate loves dressing up and every year he and his Mama cook up the Halloween costume and make it from scratch.  This is a cool ninja zebra.  The stripes on his costume were made of reflective duct tape.

Guess it's true that duct tape can do anything.

While we're on Halloween, the girls love to dress up, too.

Caroline probably was more excited about getting to wear the lipstick than even the poodle skirt or the candy.

Next in the birth order comes HANNA (8).  Hanna reads voraciously, gets good grades, is a talented violinist/pianist/performer and runner.
Her favorite plaything is her American Girl doll.

This summer Hanna prayed to receive Christ and her Daddy was pleased to baptize her.

And, Hanna joined the Squirrel Club.

This is CAROLINE (6.5) who is our social and giggly girly-girl.  She's not so sure about the dead carcasses and squeals loudly at anything with multiple legs.

Caroline hasn't joined the Squirrel Club just yet, but she has been deer hunting...once...for about 12 minutes.

Caroline has the most amazing heart that was born to give.  When the LR Cruses came for  Thanksgiving, Caroline brought every family member a gift from her own things that she had wrapped herself.

Caroline's a giver.

The third Cruse girl is LILY (3.5).  Lily is just Lily.  She's old enough now to hold her own with her sisters.

Lily is funny.  She's content both to play alone or play with the crowd.  Lily LOVES books like her sisters and loves to role play with Mama.

Lily (or as Will calls her, Yilly) is a character and she may have a little scrapper in her, but she also has a sweetness that wants to be in your lap with a good princess story.

Just look at that sweet baby girl.

Now for the caboose, WILL (almost 2).  This one I could eat with a spoon right now.

Will knows all the names of the trains.  There are Maymes (James). PerPer (Percy). Unintelligible (Thomas). and Emee (Emily).  He also loves to call the names of all the Sesame Street characters; Elmo is his favorite.

Will has been known to burst into dance to the song "One, Two, Three, Four, Monsters Walkin' Cross the Floor".  He has the moves.

Will loves it for Nate to cue him.  "What does C stand for, Will?"  And just like Cookie Monster, he purses the lips to says "CuhKee!"

How did we ever get by in this family without Will?

Hope you have enjoyed this year's pictures.  Here are just a few more because I can't stop myself.

It's true that the only things that will go into eternity...are people and the Word of God.  So we love investing in these people, our true prosperity.

Brad and Laura
Matt and Beth.

In the Saferite's boat on Beaver Lake.
Nate and I both had a cold
so we didn't have to worry about giving it .
Woody and his personal assistant.

Our new sister in Christ.
Celebrating after the baptism.


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