Friday, November 22, 2013


This morning Drudge has a headline "Senate Knockout Game".  That's because yesterday the Senate changed their rules and chucked 225 years of procedure.

Nah.  We don't need those pesky filibusters anymore that give the minority a voice against the majority.  It's just too important to break the log jam and get something done.

Besides, didn't BOTH parties talk of doing away with the nuclear option? Yes.  Republicans threatened, but Dems did it.

Now it's full steam ahead.

Surely we remember the promises and positions that really appealed to our right/center country during the election of 2008...

We heard candidate Obama call for more transparency in government, less division, racial healing, pie-in-the-sky healthcare where bureaucrats weren't between us and our healthcare, the closing of Gitmo, enhancing our status in the world...and ending the war in Afghanistan.  He said all the right things and they were appealing and we voted on the basis of them.  Did we get any of those promises?

It seems we've gotten nothing but  smoke and mirrors in the place of transparency...major division of rich/poor and black/white...deception about healthcare...warrantless monitoring....persecution of enemies waaaaay beyond what Nixon could envision...worldwide explosion  of Al Qaeda...and lies.  We still have the twins (Gitmo and Afghanistan).

Someone wrote..."Mr. President, tear down that website".

Where shall we rest?  On which promise should we stand that is not based on sand?  Which conviction has not swiveled 180 degrees from all the campaign bravado?

In the last five years, if our Constitutional professor didn't favor a law, it just wasn't enforced.  Think of DOMA, immigration, Clinton's welfare legislation, and now his magnanimous offer to not enforce the law when we were "allowed" to keep our insurance policies for another year.  The courts have called him on his power grabs (such as when they struck down his appointee to the Labor Relations Board).  Now after the Senate rules-change yesterday, the courts can be "fixed" by a simple majority rule.

Here is a LINK that calls Obamacare to accountability.  But who will call the courts to accountability?  The Supreme Court?  Yesterday's action did not include authority over Supreme Court judges, but how long will it be until the Senate passes something including them?  We are talking about major changes for years.

Sometimes progress isn't really progress.

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