Monday, October 28, 2013


Several years ago I called my right leg "the soldier".  It took over as my weight-bearing leg when the left knee was replaced.

Legs are not the only weight-bearers.  Whether it be the local president of the Rotary Club or the president of the United States...leadership is weight-bearing.

Think back with me at statements our president has made when things went haywire:

FAST AND FURIOUS:  "There may be a situation here where a serious mistake was made and if that's the case we will find out and we'll hold somebody accountable."

BENGHAZI:  "When it comes to this issue, when I say we are going to find out exactly what happened, everybody will be held accountable."

IRS:  "With respect to the IRS, I spoke to this yesterday and my main concern is fixing the problem."

HEALTHCARE:  "We've had some of the best IT talent join the team.  And we're well into a tech surge to fix the problem.  We are confident that we will get the problem fixed."
This morning's news says that the President didn't know about the NSA listening onto foreign leaders.

For much slack can we keep cutting this president?  You wouldn't keep the Rotary Club prez if this were his track record.

"It's his staff, not him" some might say.  Really?  Here's his staff:

Eric Holder lied to Congress about Fast and Furious.  Susan Rice lied about the Benghazi video.  James Clapper said the NSA doesn't spy on us.  The IRS said they didn't target their enemies.  And Kathleen Sebelious said "shutdown or no shutdown, we are ready to go".

THE TROUBLE WITH LYING IS THAT NO ONE TAKES YOU SERIOUSLY.  When the President assured German Chancellor Angela Merkel that we weren't listening to her calls, do you think she believed it?  We didn't even believe it.

Last night CBS ran a piece by Laura Logan on 60 Minutes about Benghazi.  FINALLY, the media is beginning to tell the story...a year and a month after it happened.  Still, there is more to be told on that outrageous story.

When I trusted my "soldier" leg, it bore my weight.  America wants to be able to trust government; they want to know why are these things happening.  Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has a learning curve.  But in order to move forward, resolution is key.  C'mon, leadership.  Fix something!  Man up.

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