Saturday, September 21, 2013


You might think that the NSA would have all the security in the world since they're the keeper of the secrets.

But one skinny little low-level guy gave out all their cookies.

Then Director Clapper was questioned about whether the NSA spied on Americans.  He did the St. Vidas Dance, fidgeting and squirming and putting his hand over his face while answering.

The Director then gave a paragraph "no" answer and it didn't take a body language expert to smell a whopper.

Which brings us to why Americans are developing a trust issue.

Now we are being told that all our
confidential information will be SAFE in a monumental info cache over at the healthcare office.

Navigators will be hired to explain Obamacare to us.  These per-hour people (some of which haven't been hired yet) are to receive 20-30 hours of training.  Some of these guys have been background checked because a few states spoke up and demanded they be checked in their state.

We are asked to believe the navigators will hold our incidentals close to the vest.  Info including your medical records, SS numbers and financial information (not to mention your address) will be available to these new hires.  Isn't that all stuff we've always been taught to guard?  What an identity theft bonanza.

We've already heard about faux navigators coming to people's doors to shop for advantage, bringing new meaning to "free-lancers".  California's insurance commissioner is a Democrat and strong supported of Obamacare, but he spoke of these navigators putting consumers at risk for scams...saying "we can have a real disaster on our hands".

This is fast becoming a national game of "Who Do You Trust?".  Nothing about this healthcare system is what it was touted to be. 

It was only a couple of weeks ago that the Montana Democratic Senator Max Baucus said Obamacare was an oncoming train wreck.  Our potential exposure in just that information mining could be a huge unintended consequence snafu.  And that's not counting the back-breaking expense to the nation...or the death panels that Governor Palin was right about.  Call me crazy, but someone hired to control cost has no business deciding what medical procedures should be ordered.

Perhaps this is the dawning of the transparency that we were promised.  It's just not the kind we ever imagined.

These days call for a solid Rock.  It brings to mind the words of an old song..."My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness.  I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name.  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."

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