Monday, May 13, 2013


What do these issues have in common?

They are all weighty issues that Fox News (and conservatives ) have carried almost solely by themselves for months.  While out in front, Fox bore up under scalding mainstream media flack.  There was sneering derision, name calling, condescending patronization, and outright ridicule (see above).

But now the drive-by's are coming around.  They can no longer ignore the evidence against the abortion industry, the intimidation of the bully IRS toward conservatives, and the rotten scandal in Benghazi.

SURELY as the reporting filters down, Americans will not remain apathetic.

All we hear is "partisan politics" and "a witch hunt trying to pull down Hillary".  But this week it was revealed that the whistleblower, Greg Hicks, is a Democrat who twice voted for the President.  So much for the partisan claim.

My husband is a sound thinker with judicial temperament.  Last week when he listened to Gosnell's defense attorney claim that the babies only moved out of reflex...he quietly said to the television "then why would Gosnell have to clip their spine?"

Now this afternoon the jury must agree.  They came back with involuntary manslaughter for the lady whose improper anesthesiology led to her three first-degree murder charges for the babies born alive who were killed on his table.  We thank the Lord that He gave the jury clear-headed regard for justice and perseverance to endure such testimony.  Now may He help them get the horrific details out of their minds.
#3.  IRS
If you already think the IRS is a bully, it's not hard to imagine how it could be used against enemies.  It has been.  LINK  

First we heard if you had the name "Conservative" or "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in your application for tax-free status, you were not only scrutinized but called to fill out additional forms listing family members and other information that was unheard of.  Then we find out that their red flags were more broad than that.  If you said you were promoting the Constitution or concerned about the debt crisis, or touted better, too, were in their sights.  And the AP reports that senior officials at IRS knew agents were targeting groups as early as 2011.  Still, the former director testified in 2012 that it didn't happen.


On each of these issues, journalists cooperated by not reporting the facts or being intellectually curious.  So for Americans who only listened to those channels, the assumption was Fox must be wild-eyed.  Surely, those folks reasoned, if there was anything to the Fox claims, their news outlets would be reporting on it.

Well, they weren't.  And here's why.

The administration and the media are ideologically on the same page.  They philosophically linked arms and created an incestuous connection between the media and the White House.  How?

Did you know that the president of CBS (David Rhodes) has a brother (Ben Rhodes) who is Deputy National Security Advisor?  Ben Rhodes wrote the Cairo speech that the President delivered in June, 2009.  AND it was also Ben Rhodes who rewrote the talking points.

Did you know that the president of ABC (Ben Sherwood) has a sister (Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall) who is Special Assistant to the President...until this March when she moved to a new position.  LINK and will coordinate Defense Policy and Arms Control and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Did you know that Hillary's deputy @the State Department (Tom Nides) is married to the CNN Deputy Bureau Chief (Virginia Mosley)?  Or that Jay Carney's wife is ABC's Claire Shipman?

Jay has really been dodging and weaving lately and must be exhausted.  But at the end of the day, he only can say what his boss tells him to say.

There is one CBS reporter who got so close to Benghazi that she got into hot water with the network; Sharyl Atkisson must be a brave soul.  And Jonathan Karl @ABC also comes to mind as a real reporter.

As rocks are rolled over and these things come into the light of day...notice the consistency of the administration.  First the President registers SHOCK and outrage.  Then although he has no idea if it could be true, he will sure find out and it will be dealt with.  Somehow he never seems to know about it (take the IRS thing for example) until the media tells him (as he said they informed him last Friday), yet it took him three days to address it.  LINK  Then he will appoint a blue ribbon commission to get to the bottom of it (like he did at State Department, the same commission who did NOT interview the two people in charge...Hillary and Greg Hicks).   Time goes by and then some poor underling is found to hold the bag.  How ridiculous to think someone down the chain at the Cincinnati office of IRS would have the audacity to initiate such risky policy.

Mr. Glib-of-Tongue speaks as if all this malfeasance happened on an alternate planet somewhere... anywhere but his arena.  As this writer watches to see if her tax return gets challenged, the mainstream media is kicking and screaming as they come to these stories.  And the reporters at Fox News wear the real reporter hats.

Department of Justice has engaged in a bold move on an unheard of scale...tapping twenty lines of over 100 AP reporters.  The AP is squealing loudly about Freedom of the Press.  Welcome, Gentlemen.  Get in line behind Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and the Right to Bear Arms.

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