Monday, March 4, 2013


Our leadership in the White House makes bold statements that cover fifty shades of the truth.  They're as bold as a burglar in daylight.  If you tap dance on all possible positions, then on the outside chance someone ever DOES call you on something, there would still be cover to run under.

Take sequestration.  The White House finally admitted BHO and Jack Lew cooked it up.  How many positions has he maintained until then?  Every position.  "I wrote it."  "I didn't write it."  The Republicans did it."  "Congress wrote 'em."  And now two days ago... "sequestration is dumb."  LINK

Then there was the presidential debate.  Can you remember back in October when BHO made sport of concerns that Romney had about the military cuts that would come from the sequester?  BHO flatly stated "there won't BE sequestration"...and everyone was flabbergasted.  The statement sounded like he was on the launch pad for an offensive against his own plan.  How do you debate against "pathological"?

Well, sequestration DID pass and now the military brass calls it alarming.  Yes, the cuts that weren't going to pass, have passed...the ones he didn't write but did.

BHO is no Adele, but this parody of "Skyfall" is pretty funny.  LINK

At the end of February in a radio address, BHO let fly with a greatly detailed doom list...then had to be followed nine days later by a takeback speech that said "This is not going to be an apocalpse, I think, as some people have said."  REALLY?  What people were saying such tripe?

Yessiree.  Before the cuts,

***he scared the poor old White House janitors.  Then that misfire was taken back in this link.

***he gave illegal immigrants "get out of jail free" cards.  First the White House said it was a couple hundred or so.  Then we found out it was 2,000 and plans for 3,000 more.

***he cancelled deployment for the U.S.S. Harry Truman.

You tell me which bully ordered those punishing things before the cuts were even a reality?   Homeland Secretary Napolitano says she didn't order the immigrants released and didn't know who did.  Finally they found a fall guy and he retired "early".  That showed him.  Secretary Napolitano joins Secretary Holder ("I didn't know about Fast and Furious") and Secretary Clinton ("I didn't know about Benghazi").

When the dust settles on those budget cuts, it will have very little effect on the main problem (entitlements)...but will slash the military.  Even his own out-going Defense Secretary Panetta said that would be disastrous.  And in the months ahead when BHO's economic policies implode, the boogeyman will be sequestration.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law.  And Bill Clinton has held the trophy for "Most Tortured Truth" for his unique story-telling (and in particular, his use of the word "is").  But now we have seen even his smooth tongue surpassed.

BHO may be saying now that he's not a dictator, but he IS the king...King of Elasticized Accuracy.

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