Tuesday, October 30, 2012


You are mistaken, President Obama, when you choose GUTTER WORDS in a public discourse.  Some can remember when you called for civility.

It's bad enough that you have to resort to only interviews with pop culture outlets like Rolling Stone.  Your profane appeal must be directed toward an audience outside the mainstream...as though someone might be "cool" if they speak like a cretin.  Shame on you.

You are mistaken, President Obama, when you choose to appeal to women based on the premise they vote because they are SEXUAL CREATURES.

Haven't women long fought against such a stereotype?  Surely women would choose to be insulted rather than persuaded to vote based on that disgusting analogy. You used Sandra Fluke and whoever this poor young woman is...and they used you right back for notoriety.  A pox on all your houses.

You are completely mistaken, President Obama, to choose to use CHILDREN.  That is creepy to have children recite words like this:
imagine an America where strip mines are fun and free
where gays can be fixed and sick people just die and oil fills the sea
we haven't killed all the polar bears but it's not for lack of trying
Big Bird is sacked, the Earth is cracked and the atmosphere is frying
something happened to our country and Mom and Dad...
and we're kinda blaming you

We're to blame?  Was Dubya unavailable?  At the risk of being a scold, Sir, I have not been elected President.  Nor have I served for the last four years.  But even I can see polar bears and dirty oceans are NOT the problem.  The problem is your spending and our looming debt.  The problem is your lack of decision-making in our war on terrorism.  And it's a problem that you would use anything to be re-elected.

Surely you are mistaken in making your appeal to our darker, vulgar nature.  Is that America?  It is stunning to think that these desperate appeals reach for the dregs of society who might actually turn the future of our nation.  

God, help us because we can't help ourselves.

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