Saturday, August 11, 2012


How can we get more GRACE and less RACE?  Not by stoking racial fires.

Dr. Martin Luther King used to say he looked for a time when man would be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.  Was he speaking of heaven or the here-and-now?

Dr. King, you knew the Savior.  We need you to explain to us (again) that color is not the most important thing.

Surely there are times when race is irrelevant... when Tebow rares that arm back.  Think he cares what color his receiver is?

Or what about these two?  Think they gave much thought to color when they were jamming?

Race leaves the drivers seat WHEN SOMETHING ELSE IS MORE IMPORTANT.

Like giving a home and love...

...or making a new friend.
To be able to be "race-less", we cannot keep returning to division.

Leadership should call us up to something bigger and better...and challenge us to find commonality that binds men together.

Being an American is a great call to oneness.

And protecting Americans is another great call.  Soldiers know what it is like to serve side-by-side with the same sacrificial, warrior spirit.

Such valor drops race down to the next tier of importance.

This soldier has just joined an even higher calling where color doesn't matter a whit.

Baptism illustrates this soldier's acceptance on the level field of Calvary.

At the cross, ALL can admit/submit and receive God's love.  Can't get more equal than that opportunity.

Imagine being one of these 280 voices led by Carol Cymbala in the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.  Does God assign this praise to color-coded files?  Nah.

Our God was so creative when He designed animals and birds and fish and insects.  I can just see Him stretching the giraffe's neck and applying long eyelashes...before standing back and smiling.

The Lord loves everything He made, but it's the PEOPLE that He died to save.  He calls to each person and a response is everything.  Salvation unlocks the place MLK spoke about; that same place became Dr. King's forwarding address.

Based on Martin Luther King's last statements, the Lord must have pulled the curtain back for him to see into his immediate future.  He marched ahead faithfully like another great leader, Moses.  Thank you, Dr. King, for your example to exalt Christ over the cares of this world...and for telling others to do the same.

There is only ONE "most important" thing.  And it's not race.  It's knowing the One waiting at the end of the race.

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