Thursday, August 16, 2012


You've heard of the pirate Johnny Depp, but what do you know about the Barbary pirates?

This is a LINK to a January 09 blog explaining how the Barbary pirates are connected to today.  This information might be helpful for context.  But if you're short on time, here's a paragraph summary:

During the presidency of John Adams, pirates from the Muslim Barbary Coast (Morocco, Tunisia/Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli) preyed on American merchant ships in the Mediterranean.  If America didn't want to be attacked, the pirates offered us a "temporary peace" (with a year guarantee) for $66k, plus a 10% commission.  Or we could have "everlasting peace" for a payment of $160k, plus commission.

Thomas Jefferson was then Ambassador to France, and he strongly objected to payment of the "please don't rob me" bribe by these early terrorists.  But Congress allotted the money and President Adams paid it.  Later when Jefferson became President, he was determined not to continue paying the tribute.

Now you may be asking...soooo how is that eighteenth century story important today?

Please consider this LINK to a YouTube of President Obama hosting an Iftar dinner for Ramadan in the White House last week.

Watch as the President speaks about what he calls "our country's freedom of religion that runs through this White House...a place where Americans from many religions can come together to celebrate their holiest of days."  The President went on to say he hoped his guests had noticed the Koran that was on display as they came in...a Koran belonging to President Thomas Jefferson.  President Obama said President Jefferson had held a sunset dinner with an envoy from Tunisia...and perhaps it was the first Iftar in the White House.  This Koran, the President said, was the one Congressman Keith Ellison called for and laid his hand on to pledge to serve in Congress.  And then President Obama said that Islam is part of our national story.

No, sir.  I respectfully disagree.  Understanding history in that context would be misconstruction.

1.  Did Thomas Jefferson have a Koran?

Yes.  He called for a copy of the Koran during the Barbary War in order to understand the people with which he was dealing.  Here are the exact words from the State department's eye-opening records LINK.

When President Jefferson understood this logic, he sent in the Marines (as we sing in the Marine hymn) to the "shores of Tripoli".

President Obama's words seemed to imply that the Koran was Jefferson's statement of faith or treasured possession, but that clearly was not the case.

2.  Did President Jefferson hold a sunset dinner in the White House for the Tunisian envoy?  

Yes, there was a dinner and it was the first time the White House had hosted a Muslim envoy.  His invitation was for an afternoon meeting, but upon understanding the man's religious need to keep the Ramadan fast, the White House moved the meeting to sunset.

Did that mean he was invited to celebrate the first Iftar?  Hardly.  LINK  They were reading the envoy the riot act over paying the tribute.  Tunisia's man said if he went home without the money, they'd cut off his head.  So we compromised and the envoy was given an indirect payment.

(Note:  if you read the link, you'll see the envoy was also supplied his request for concubines while he was in Washington.)

3.  What were President Jefferson's words concerning the Muslim faith?

Jefferson's own words (taken from the book by Joseph Wheelan, Jefferson's War: America's First War on Terror)..."The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

4.  What holy days have "always" been celebrated at the White House?
Have we celebrated Buddha's birthday?  Or a Sikh holy day?  No. The holy days celebrated have been Judeo/Christian holidays...and this supposed tradition to celebrate Ramadan began with President Clinton.  That means three presidents have honored the holiday.  Let's not enlarge a tradition to make it seem as though it is 200 years old.

But this LINK takes you to a truly important Iftar dinner that was held only weeks after 9/11.  President Bush was extending America's face of generosity and peace to Muslims as they were invited to celebrate Ramadan after the death of over 3,000 of our citizens.  The audience might have heard a pin drop as President Bush explained that our country offered no ill will to Muslims as a people.

5.  Islam is part of "our story"?

Muslims did not write our founding documents.  They did not play a role in our country's most severe testing, the Civil War.  Muslims did not found any hospitals or universities or contribute to our system of law, which is based on Judeo/Christian values.  They have not served as President or Supreme Court justices or military generals.  The story of our nation has nothing to do with Muslims.

However, our country welcomes all people who would want to make "our story" become their story; America offers equal opportunity to become one of us.  That offer does not include the possibility of US becoming YOU, so please leave behind all your Wahhabism or Baathism or Sharia law or Islamic fundamentalism.  "The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment." (George Washington)


Curiously, President Obama made his remarks at the Iftar supper with these words "of all the rights we hold sacred, foremost is the freedom of religion".  He holds religious freedom sacred?  Those words are the height of irony, coming from a man who has denied freedom to Christians in the new HHS mandate which went into effect the first of August.  Now multiple Christian entities such as universities, charities, Catholic dioceses, and family-owned businesses are having to sue for their violated rights under this President.

The President says people have First Amendment rights he describes as "freedom of religion" or "freedom to worship".  Actually, our First Amendment PROHIBITS GOVERNMENT from coming between a citizen and the free exercise of their religion.  "Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".  The HHS mandate, causing Christians to choose to dishonor God and their conscience, comes to mind.

Never before has the need for discernment been so great.

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