Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This morning the sun rose on the day to eat more chicken.

The line that wrapped around the place was about average for lunch, but a bit long for 7:25a.m.

By the time I had my Chick-n-Minis for the Oasis girls...traffic was picking up.

But this blog is not about "rubbing it in" because of a turnout.  That would be pitching one side against another and this is not an anti-anything.  This is a FOR thing.  I want to be FOR what God says.

You know, I doubt Dan Cathy woke up this year and wrote down his values.  They have been in place since ChickFilA's founding in 1967.  He's not alone; many Americans run their businesses founded on biblical principles.

So why the fuss now?  The forces behind alternate lifestyles have inched into our culture and now feel the time is right to tump over the foundation of Western civilization.

Please take note.  The Cathy family has peacefully gone about their business for 45 years before they became Public Enemy #1.  So who is the aggressor...and who would "live and let live" in this dust-up?

 Dan Cathy did not say he was anti-ANYONE.  The media framed that position.  Mr. Cathy said he was FOR what God said.  I can remember when that was a good thing.

God has other things He says, too.  He says to love one another.  I'm called to do that, but it's getting increasingly harder.

Over and over we look up to have new lifestyles in our face with no options.  We extend grace while textbooks are changed...TV and movies are monopolized...the Armed Forces are compromised...and now a 4,000- year-old law about marriage is challenged.

Finally it just seemed like time to say "I appreciate a good man who wants to honor God in his business".  That's all.

No one is forcing anyone to eat at Chick-Fil-A.  Or go to church.  Or be a Christian.  The Cathy family just cooks chicken while they mentor employees, provide jobs, and support charities.

And I might add...those people in the long line which wound around the building...who stood a long time in Arkansas' 100 degree heat...did NOT subject themselves to that because they are haters, but because they are lovers.

Just for the record, as uncomfortable as those people must have been, there were no cranky folks.

Out on the packed parking lot, there were no honking horns or policemen.

 I don't know how the cars figured out how to go past the restaurant turn and snake back toward the building to turn right.  Someone civic-minded soul must have directed traffic.

There was a lady standing beside her car when I got out to take a picture...who came over and hugged me (a perfect stranger) and said "isn't this wonderful?"

I told the hugger that I was blogging and she said "oh, good, cause there's no media here".  Guess that's another
reason to write about it.

Chick-Fil-A puts books in their kids meal and this picture of the cover (left) exemplifies their good will.  We need more businesses like Chick-Fil-A.

I hope today's statement encourages the Cathy family after their persecution for righteousness.


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