Monday, July 16, 2012


 LADY #1 is Najla Mahmoud, the wife of Egypt's new President Mohamed Morsi.  She is a cousin to Dr. Morsi and was 17 when they married.

President Morsi came to America in the 80's to get his Phd in engineering.  Two of their five children are American citizens because they were born in California.

In her first interview, Mrs. Morsi has said she rejects the title "first lady" and believes the president's wife should not meddle in politics.  That statement would seem at odds with her activities (explained below).

 LADY #2 is Saleha Abedin, a Pakistani widow and sociology professor who lives/teaches in Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Abedin works with The Global Peace Initiative of Women, studying social/cultural issues and how they interface with gender/religious identity.  She is a specialist in Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries and was once listed as representing the Muslim World League (a Saudi charity with terrorist ties that promotes Sharia law).

What do LADIES #1 and 2 have in common besides women's issues and their Muslim faith?  They are reported to be two of the 63 leaders in the female division of the Muslim Brotherhood; together they serve on the Guidance Bureau.

LADY #3 is Huma Abedin, the daughter of LADY #2.  She was born in Michigan and raised in Saudi Arabia and speaks fluent Arabic, Urdu (Pakistani), and English.

An actively practicing Muslim, Huma Abedin is also the wife of the Jewish Democratic former Congressman, Anthony Weiner, who resigned last June in disgrace.

Huma Abedin has served in our government for the past sixteen years.

 LADY #4 is our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

What do LADIES #3 and 4 have in common?  Huma Abedin is Chief-of-Staff for our Secretary of State.

An intersection of worldviews now causes concern:

if one of the stated missions for the Muslim Brotherhood is to "destroy Western Civilization from within"...

 ...then how did the Secretary of State's chief-of-staff (with access to state secrets) get security clearance?  Is is reasonable to wonder how someone with close familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (both Huma's mother and brother are active) was hired?

It seems that while America has gotten squishy about what we believe (while trying to tolerate and believe everything), other cultures are quite sure of their goals.

Ridiculous and conspiratorial?  It WOULD be if we didn't have examples of our naive tolerance biting us in the buttocks.

Didn't political correctness run amuck when we ignored the threat of the Fort Hood shooter? Then, incredibly...the government later redefined the incident to be "workplace violence".  Workplace violence and radical Islamization are two very different things.

These concerns have now been translated into a letter sent June 13, 2012 to the Inspector General in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence by five sitting members of Congress....Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Thomas Rooney, Lynn Westmoreland, and Michelle Bachmann.  link

In our culture we exalt power and beauty and this article in Vogue magazine is quite glamorous.  Huma Abedin (Weiner) may be truly serving out of a heart for America.  I hope she is.  But "Muruna" exists.  You might want to google it.

We Americans like to puff out our chest about how diverse and tolerant and open-minded we are.  This is just a call to be wise in a dangerous world.  And to put "feet" to that call, I'd like to pray regularly for Huma.  Would you consider doing the same?

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