Friday, May 11, 2012


From the beginning of time and until yesterday...the baseline of civilization was marriage.  Now we are being told the institution needs to bend to accommodate an evolving "new" thought so that everyone will be equal.

If equality were the goal, consider that we are made by a Father with no cookie cutter.  Each of His creations is unique with differing gifting, roles, intelligence, and opportunity to advantage.  So how are we equal?

We are equally loved by Him.  We equally have been given potential access to Him and His plan for our lives.  We equally can please Him.  Equality is in Him.

Yet we're pretty bodacious.  Rather than tweak civil unions, we purport to redefine God's blueprint.  Do we imagine marriage and civil unions to be the same?  They are not the same just as a horse is not a zebra.  Still, people cheer such "progressive" insight.

Are we truly that removed from reason to claim ground higher than Divine authority?  Where would a feller go to find such high ground?

Where is the evidence that we are evolving "upward"?  Our discourse is smutty; the sum of the words that we DO know are woefully short of Shakespeare's vocabulary.  Certainly our propensity for self-indulgence shouldn't be taken as an upward sign.  Nor should the culture's uptick in aggressive, in-your-face strife...or the increasingly vulgar things that our eyegate allows.  Do we dwell on thinking high thoughts?  Moving upward is heavy lifting apart from the Spirit of God.

The next time you hear a horrific report of a beheading or a mother killing her children or a mob assault because someone was "in their neighborhood"...remember our culture's purported progressivism.

On the other hand, there is One who conceived of a plan, created the world to implement the plan, and is bringing the plan to fruition.  Such a Creator would know the plans He has for us and how to sync the plan for our good.

Then we get an awesome choice.  Will we bow up or cooperate?  Why would anyone want to spit in a good God's face?  Is there no longer the concept of consequence?

Marriage has been part of God's plan from the beginning.  It is more than companionship or procreation or equal hospital visitation rights.  LIFT YOUR EYES!  It is a picture of God.*

Sarcastic mockers take potshots at the Old Testament as though the text proves it to be waaaay past its expiration date.  Then how about if we just set the Old Testament aside temporarily and try the New.  Just read one chapter...the first chapter of Romans.  Read the chapter in some new translations.  The One who made us KNOWS how we tick.  He is the epitome of kindness and would not have us hurt ourselves.  The God-Who-Does-Not-Change did not stutter in either testament.

So is it broad-minded and loving to allow these same-sex "rights"?  That's pretty shaky ground when God's counsel is to the contrary.  Being righteous is more important than appearing righteous.

It seems reasonable to consider what the Almighty has to say.  Christians know that when this blip of time is over (in a blink of an eye)...marriage will not be part of that coming kingdom.  click  This world and all that is in it is passing away, while we wait for a city with foundations whose builder and architect is God.  He desires our companionship in that city for eternity and He left a ticket at the "will call" window.

It's decision day.  Will I trust His plan...or my own reasoning?

* "MARRY ME", an earlier blog from April 15, 2012

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