Saturday, April 7, 2012


 For the first time in 34 years, Chuck Colson will not spend Easter in prisons, ministering to inmates.

Instead, he is in the critical care unit of a hospital after surgery to remove blood from a brain bleed.  Many people have a God story, but Chuck Colson's story was a daylight/dark picture of how God recreates a heart and causes it to beat for Him.

It is interesting to read the news accounts about Mr. Colson's medical condition.  Secular media packs the article with words about his ruthless persona before he came to Christ.  Guess they are not through drumming him for his past deeds.  They don't seem aware of his subsequent 39 years of exemplary living.  Chuck Colson met Jesus in 1973, right before entering prison.  Since then, his life has been the prooftext for his new heart.

Following the Lord takes you some unlikely places.  I'm sure prison was not a pleasant place, and you would have thought when Mr. Colson left...he would NEVER return.  But that was exactly where God gave him a ministry.

The hopelessness inside the prisons caused Chuck Colson to go back in.  He founded Prison Fellowship, which has creative programs that target recidivism and make a difference.  Their Angel Tree project @Christmas coordinates volunteer gifts to children of prisoners...and are a mercy to the little ones who also pay for their parent's mistakes.

Everyone agrees that even though we are forgiven, we sometimes have to live with consequences.  Mr. Colson would be the first to tell you what his life was like before Christ.  But it is unfair for the bulk of the article to be about his past with only a brief/general mention of his life now.  Some writers actually demeaned his life choice by calling it a jailhouse conversion.  Yes, it was a conversion that grew legs and walked back into the jail.

Besides founding Prison Fellowship, this prolific author has written 17 books.  At 80, he still writes a daily commentary about the culture at .  He helped to found the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration, the Wilberforce Forum, and the Colson Center, which establish programs to help construct worldview (programs such as Centurions, ReWired, and Wide Angle).

Chuck Colson won the Templeton prize for his contributions toward spiritual growth.  The $1 million prize money was donated to Prison Fellowship, as are all Mr. Colson's speaking fees/royalties.  Chuck Colson takes Scripture and reasons with excellence.  Then he lives it with his life.

Wonder why the media can't turn the page with this man?  Do they think he still secretly lives that image they describe?  Or have they just not tasted forgiveness themselves?

When I read what was said about this good man, it made me think of my own forgiveness.  I know how unattractive my sin is when shown in the light.  I'm so glad it's not in the paper for all to see!  I give thanks that God puts my sin as far away as the east is from the west.  I thank Him for 1John 1:9, which is a soap verse that says when we confess, our faithful Friend forgives.

Man can't seem to let go of an offense, but God (in Christ) does.  Max Lucado says it was not the nails that held Christ to the cross, but His love.  This Easter, thank Him for His complete ability and complete willingness to forgive...and then, to forget.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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