Monday, November 28, 2011


TWENTY BILLION of our stimulus dollars went to green industries to stimulate job growth and the economy.

Know precisely where those dollars went?  SEVENTEEN of the TWENTY BILLION went to Obamaites...people on his re-election committee and bundlers who raised money for him.  Really?  Eighty percent of the money went to cronies?

There used to be a word for that back when we knew what "corruption" was.

For just a minute, forget stimulating the economy and creating jobs.  Let's just look at a raw cash cow:

At the tip of unsustainable business models sits a company whose name you recognize from the news.  We have heard about it because a whistleblower called into a talk program back in September and the next day the FBI swarmed Solyndra headquarters to confiscate papers.     

What was the beef?  As they built the extremely expensive, state-of-the-art building with our dollars, everyone already knew the Chinese were producing their product cheaper.  So less than a year later, it predictably folded and took our wad of cash ($500 million) with it.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s green company needed DEEP POCKETS to bail them out.  That would be you and the tune of $1.4 BILLION dollars through a loan guarantee from a "former" employee of BrightSource who went to work for us at our Energy Department.

It is hard to envision a company that couldn't get float on $1.4 billion.

Let's say former VP Al Gore put 16 million and Senator Dianne Feinstein put 1 million into a startup.

Then suppose the Feds GIVE them a grant.  Not a loan...a TAXFREE CHECK from the slush fund called "stimulus" that you and I funded.  Next, the stockholders go public and issue an IPO.  Within 18 months, Gore's investment goes to 89 million.  Nice.  He has every right to invest and make money...isn't that capitalism?


When Mike put his 30 years in working for the government, he was under layers of regulation that restricted what could be done that even SEEMED like influence-peddling.  No one could so much as buy lunch for a government worker.  Nevermind working in a political campaign...we couldn't even put a candidate's sign in our yard.  

Perhaps you are thinking that these green technology companies are the future and government should invest in the future.  Investing in risky, demonstrable losers that their own number-crunchers advised against?  You might say...well, they were creating jobs that are badly needed.  Yes.  Jobs.  And the number of jobs BrightSource created averaged out to be $1 million per job.  

Now a pronouncement comes down from on high.  The Labor Department has decided something novel; ALL of the 1,100 ex-employees of Solyndra have each been declared eligible for $13k in federal aid.  That's right.  The taxpayer will now add $14.3 million MORE dollars, which added to Solyndra's initial loan guarantee makes over half a BILLION.

That's a hard furball to swallow.  The rationale is given is that the workers were hurt by overseas competition.  UH, yeah!  Now we're back to those pesky Chinese.  But since when is GOVERNMENT in the severance package business, propping up private employees whose company goes belly-up?

The environmental movement is on shaky ground because not everyone is convinced of the science.  But everyone SHOULD BE convinced of a frail economy that doesn't need to try and change horses in mid-stream...and particularly if the horses are running toward red.

A late news release says Solyndra has only received a very lowball offer for their equipment and another very lowball for the property.  So don't count on seeing our 500 MIL investment.  Taxpayers poured money out of a boot.

So are these guys creating jobs or creating billionaires?  Are they environmental saviors or profiteers?  The rest of us non-caring, knuckle-dragging, poor-steward schlubbs are just asking.  Using OPM to get rich is a sweet deal if you can get it.

Like a Madoff scheme, it "made off" with lots of dough.

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