Monday, October 17, 2011


If you are into marking celebrations, today is President Obama's thousandth day.

Let's just set aside the bad economic news and also many people's assumption that the president inherited the economic mess (therefore, it's not his fault...but rather Bush's fault/Arab spring's fault/tsunami's fault/etc).

Just for today on this anniversary, let's ask ourselves what President Obama is doing TODAY to help us?

Today he starts a bus tour.  Uhhh, does he get to count that?  That's to help HIM and it's on OUR dime.  What DOES this man do until 4:00 each day?

Obama's past strategy to combat the economic woes was to spend 4.2 TRILLION (of the 14.9 trillion national debt).  That bombed.  When I consider how economically wobbly we are, and consider Obama's toolbox for economic repair, I only find two tools.  Spend and talk.

Let's hand it to the president.  I'm not sure even I could spend 4.2 trillion in a thousand days.  That is stupefying.

Today's bus tour launches a repackage of his same ole/same ole.   "This time it is broken up into pieces of taxing and spending still big enough to choke a horse."

The question is "how will we recover?"  Here is a revealing chart on our past recoveries.

Our recovery time is not likely to shorten, given the occupiers in the streets.  The president's endorsement of them has lent credibility to their varied causes.  The fruit of his baiting is ripening.

The president appeals to the darker side of people's nature for his own purposes.  He promotes envy (wanting others' things), he appeals to anger (the rich are not doing their part), he targets legitimate enterprises (such as corporate jet owners, tanning salon owners, Las Vegas tourism, banks, insurance, doctors and the RV industry) and he causes business uncertainty as to who will be next in his sights.

For a post-racial leader, it seems race is worse than it has ever been.  For a man who came to be the great uniter, his pitting of one American against the other is baffling.  And for the occupier of the Oval Office, the past thousand days have been bows/apologies, spending, job destruction, corruption, whining, tax hiking, berating/blaming...and traveling around like a sultan.

We see the change; where's the hope?

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