A dither was measured in months... when the Iraq surge was waiting.
A dither was measured in days...when the captain was bouncing in the Arabian Sea with Somali pirates. That is, they bounced until the SEAL team marksmen took the pirates out.
But a dither was only 16 hours when the CIA thought they had OBL and waited for the President to pull the trigger.
Credit for pulling the trigger? Yes. But probably by that time, too many people already knew Osama was in the crosshairs and no other decision could have been reached. Still, let's give the President credit for going for that plan over the bomb option.
What? No need to give him credit because President Obama has already taken the credit? In his speech about getting Osama, Obama ran the personal pronouns into the ground. And then there was the media hype about all the pressure the President was under. Surely that caused a sweat ring in his golf shirt from that morning's golf game.
The raid had a small glitch with the helicopter, but the White House was Glitch City. There was much adoo about that situation room picture. Later the WH had to admit they weren't watching the take-down because the raid wasn't filmed inside the compound house. National Security Advisor John Brennan, the administration's first voice, said there was a 40 minute firefight and five died. Later that version had to be pulled back. Brennan bristled and said "well, I wasn't there". The narrative was that Bin Laden was armed, then that he was going for his gun. OBL had a wife-shield, then he didn't. Press Secretary Jay Carney took over and said Bin Laden was unarmed and was shot twice. But Carney couldn't bring himself to credit the waterboarding intel. CIA Director Leon Panetta said there would be a picture; the WH said there might be a picture and then said there wouldn't be a picture.
This bunch is the gang who couldn't shoot straight. Their only part was to say yes and then report it.
President Obama's large credit-grab didn't fly with the public because the polls say he only got a small bump. People can sniff a poser like a cheap toupee. Everyone knows that the President stood for NONE of the things that made that capture work. Although OBL went down on this administration's watch, this President has worked tirelessly to change the perception of the terror war.
The war on terror became a more mellow "Overseas Contingency Operation".
Terrorism became "Man-Caused Disaster" and terrorists are "foreign fighters".
A former SEAL team was prosecuted for giving
a foreign fighter a fat lip during his capture.
There was much talk of prosecuting the former administration
for protecting the country. That put a chill on CIA recruitment/morale.
Attorney General Holder spent two years trying to bring the "foreign fighters"
to our country, give them citizen rights, and put them on trial in NYC.
The administration said "no" to military tribunals
and "yes" to a mosque near Ground Zero.
The President is trying to dismantle the tools that served us well in the Patriot Act.
Previously the NYTimes had squalled about "domestic wiretapping"
and the SEAL team was called "Cheney's Assasination Team".
The outcry against "torture" and "black sites" in Europe was deafening.
But waterboarding is not torture and the black sites delivered OBL.
Perhaps people who have REALLY been tortured would be able to explain
the difference in losing a body part and flooding the nose.
The NYTImes and others refuse to accept
that waterboarding gave us the couriers.
But here is a video of Leon Panetta in his own words...
that waterboarding gave us the couriers.
But here is a video of Leon Panetta in his own words...
With bravado, the President orders Gitmo closed...then cannot find a way to do it.
Some Gitmo prisoners are released, only to return to the battlefield.
The President is cutting back on military spending.
The SEAL team gave America swift justice. Now the mass murderer will not have a Miranda warning or be lawyered up. There was no checking with the UN or other governments. The operation that brought the ladies of The View to euphoria...was planned and executed by THE GOOD OLE USA, using the prior administration's guidelines that BHO had to adopt. Pure irony.
And American's "get it". All along the President has led from behind. Then at the last minute Sunday, he conquered his dither and basked in the sunshine.
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