Thursday, January 27, 2011


The theme of the 2011 State of the Union speech was "win the future".  What is the President's plan for our future?

The President tried to encourage us by saying we are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices and we're the nation of Edison and Facebook and Google and the Wright brothers.  Unfortunately, the government was not the father of any of those examples...and the President's plan is for government (not the private sector) to lead the way.  As Coulter says... "And then the government outlawed Edison's great invention, made the Wright brothers' air travel insufferable, filed anti-trust charges against Microsoft and made cars too expensive to drive by prohibiting oil exploration, and right now -- at this very minute -- is desperately trying to regulate the Internet."

The President said the economy/job crisis were his highest priority.  Unfortunately those words were IDENTICAL to the ones he spoke in the 2010 SOTU right before he spent the year on healthcare.

The President repeated again our need to reduce the debt.  Unfortunately, instead of doing that he appointed a bipartisan debt commission last February to come up with a plan.  Their report ("Moment of Truth", December, 2010) said "we cannot afford to continue spending more than we take in, and we cannot continue to make promises we know full well we cannot keep."  Then did he begin implementing their plan?  Notsomuch.  His plan is to cut the deficit by freezing spending at the current uber-bloated rate.

The President called Congress to cut spending, and then said we should invest in things like green technology/high speed rail/education.  Unfortunately, we know spending and investing mean the same thing.  When we hear "rail" we think Amtrak (lost 13B)...when we hear "solar panels/wind turbines", we know government loans and tax credits don't even help those guys break even...and when we hear shoveling more money down education, we think of the documentary  "Looking for Superman".

Our President and rhetoric are the best of friends.  Unfortunately, we have to watch what he does and not what he says.

If Visa and your mortgage were breathing down YOUR neck...would you spend or slash?  Or roll over and go belly up?

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