Wednesday, December 22, 2010


CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from our house to yours!  The Cruses are looking in the rearview mirror at 2010 and remembering an assortment of feelings this year...

...feeling ELATED because Baby Lily Cruse arrived (half-grown @ 9#11oz) on July 23rd in NYC.  Do you notice the hospital in the second picture?  Roosevelt Hospital is where Brad practices his dentistry.  The NYC Cruses have been at their outpost 4.5 years now.

...feeling HEAVYHEARTED because Mike's father, "Daddy Bert", died on Independence Day.  July brought the bittersweet of the verse that says "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away...blessed be the name of the Lord".  Daddy Bert had generously been given 33,670 individual days (that means his age was 92.3) and people remember his sweet spirit and generous heart.  My husband looked after his father well.

...feeling TREASURED because Mike and I celebrated 40 years of marriage.

...feeling BLESSED with our children and grandchildren.

When Lily was born, The Buggy made a trip to NYC for baby inspection and we also wanted to keep Hanna and Caroline so their parents could move to a larger apartment.  We found a place on the internet in northern New Jersey that was an RV campground with rural experiences (hayrides, petting animals, Olympic-sized pool, etc.).  We put The Buggy there...unhooked the car...and drove into the city to kidnap the little girls.  Here is a picture of Brad/Hanna actually saving a parking place as we arrived.  You may have to enlarge the pic to see her little hand waving us in.

The little girls love to read...Hanna started kindergarten this year and already reads on about a second grade level.  They brought their favorite movie (The Sound of Music) and Mimi thinks they are genius' because they sing along with EVERY word out of Julie Andrews' mouth.  

And here is our other great blessing, Nate Saferite.  Our special time with Nathan is on Tuesday afternoons when we pick him up from school and keep him till bedtime.  Papa gave Nate a BB gun for his 6th birthday, and they plink around with that or shoot a bow/arrow.  Or Papa tries to beat him at Uno.  This was Nate's kindergarten year and he loves going with his Mama to their neighborhood school where Beth also teaches.  Nate has seen his favorite movie (Toy Story 3) three times.  The movie came out in regular or 3D, but Nate's choice would be to see it in "Free D" (as he says). 

...feeling PRIDE (the good kind).  If we said that our son-in-law won an award, would you think we mentioned that last year?  You'd be right because last year Matt did win an award.  But this year HIS SCHOOL was picked as one of five junior highs in the nation for the most improved.  Yeehaw, Ramay!

...feeling A PART OF.  The Cruses are getting to know the sweet people of our new church, Black Oak Baptist.  We are working with the children and Mike is doing a great job teaching a Sunday School for younger couples (who call us their "elders").  They're not making reference to church structure, but to chronological assessment.  Oh, are they right!

...feeling CONNECTED.  This year I got back with an old friend, Bible Study Fellowship.  BSF kicked off a new study this year in the book of Isaiah.  I can't wait to tell Isaiah how much I've loved his book.  The study has caused me to think a lot about the curiosity of sovereignty...and the way God's glory is revealed in both His wrath and His grace.

...feeling the RICHNESS OF GOD'S GRACE.  As people get older and wax nostalgic, we consider all that the Lord has done for us.  Our hearts are full as we think about our kids parenting their kids...

Mike and I are increasingly aware that each day we are given is a gift to unwrap and use.  We stand amazed that the Maker of the world...chose humbly to come to His creation to provide accessibility to the Father.  Now He is the Giver of all good gifts.  And as Head @Command Central, He holds all things together for the day when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God.  What a comprehensive Savior!  We are sheltered by that thought.

"Everything comes from him; everything happens through him; everything ends up in him. Always glory!  Always praise!  Yes.  Yes.  Yes."  Romans 11.36 TM

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