American citizens are grateful for the freedom that we enjoy in our country. We take pride in our inclusiveness. We prize tolerance. There is nowhere on earth that is structured like our republic with intentional liberty and justice for all.
But tolerance is not double jointed. It can bend over just so far, then it loses it's balance. Consider an instance when our tolerance has been used against us...the building of a mosque at Ground Zero.
Let's start by pretending the cause is kosher. What does the imam say? He SAYS the purpose of the mosque is to heal. That is not happening. How much healing has the thought of the mosque afforded? If the imam purposed to bring healing, wouldn't it seem rational to provide space that included a place of worship of all faiths? All faiths died that day. At the very least, couldn't a reasonable compromise be that it be built somewhere farther from hallowed ground?
You know neither of these prospects will see the light of day. Certainly an inclusive community center won't happen. Can you see an Islamic leader building something that included a Jewish temple and a Christian church? Now we are getting to the problem. They want to milk our tolerance, but there is no reciprocal slack that exists in their theology. In fact, if a person adheres to the tenants of their faith, their book calls for either submission or death. So much for multiculturalism. The only slack Muslims catch is a weird permission slip granted to "lie" or "pose" in order for them to be able to accomplish their ultimate goal. Extremists even see the death of Muslims secondary to accomplishing their goal. Where is regard for life? The enemy comes to kill and steal our way of life.
Some Americans can't abide with those observations. They can't wrap their minds around a belief system whose goal over thousands of years has been "Allah or the sword". They have trouble looking back at the history books and seeing Islam's pattern. They can't believe evil exists to that degree. So when a Muslim doc at Ft. Hood goes off and kills thirteen, the naive in America wonder if maybe we were as neighborly as we needed to be. Did someone call him names? If we had been better to him, he would have loved us. It doesn't dawn on them that the shooter prepared for that day for years. According to his lifebook, he went out in "glory".
There is a piece on this website about Islamic history called "Wanted: Context" (April, 2009). Last night on the news there was another report about home-grown terrorists...those Americans who actually choose to go across the world to learn to kill their fellow countrymen. Can we just consider raising our heads above the fray and see this eternal struggle coming full circle before our eyes? We need to be wise; we are sheep among wolves.
The proposed mosque has been branded The Cordoba Mosque. There was a Caliphate of Cordoba who ruled a golden period of Islam on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). Muslims are very proud of that period because according to Wiki there was "remarkable success in trade and culture". What a coincidence! We would have a mosque overlooking the Islamic terrorists' wound to the center of trade and culture of the Western world.
And who is in favor of this mosque? Not the people. Not Americans or even New Yorkers. The people in favor of the mosque are the ruling class, liberals like the mayor. How ironic! The same people who will be among the Jihadists' first victims (the leftists, the ruling class, the godless) are running interference for them.
Toleration is not always a virtue.
Postscript from an article by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury:
"Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is planning the Islamic Community Center and mosque near Ground Zero, says his critics are bigots, and that the project will stamp out terrorism -- not fan the flames: 'We condemn terrorists', said Rauf, who is leading the charge to build the Cordoba House, as it is called. 'We recognize it exists in our faith, but we are committed to eradicate it. We want to rebuild this community. This is about moderate Muslims who intend to be and want to be part of the solution.'
However, Rauf is also on record telling CNN, right after the 9/11 attacks, 'U.S. policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. We [the U.S.] have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden was made in the USA.' "
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