Friday, May 7, 2010


Are you familiar with the word "Gorism"? I read a piece by Victor Davis Hanson @ that explained the term. Here's how Mr. Hanson began...

"We all know that Al Gore has become a near billionaire through tirelessly warning the Western world that our daily habits have ruined the planet and nearly doomed us. Gore argues that what we take for granted - the too large homes in which we live, the carbon-spewing cars that we drive, the superfluous vacations and energy-hogging appurtenances that we enjoy - are all pernicious to the environment, and unsustainable."

So, what's a Gorism?

First you have to set aside the fact that the ex-Vice President has become almost a BILLIONAIRE from the global warming business. And forget that he thinks OUR homes are too large. Forget that to commute between HIS four luxury homes, the jet he rides might give off more CO2 than our rides combined. Now...we can enjoy the absurdity of Mr. Gore throwing caution to the wind and buying a California ocean-view 8.8 million dollar "villa" (see pictures @
while warning US of the rising sea levels.

A Gorism, then, is saying one thing and doing another. Mr. Hanson gave some other examples of this hypocrisy:

...the kazillionaire George Soros decries capitalism while making his moolah in currency

...John Edwards talking constantly about how America was two nations, yet he built what Mr. Hanson called "a Neroian Golden House" (note from Susan: that ain't all of the great divide between what Mr. Edwards was saying/doing)

...Jeremiah Wright spewing sermons on "white man's greed runs a world in need" while living in
a mostly white, very expensive golf course community

...and, of course, our President who earns $5 million (expenses picked up by us) lamenting out loud about why rich people seem to want even more money that they don't need

These examples are left-leaning, but duplicity has no political party homepage. Think Senator Mark Sanford in South America; think Senator Larry Craig in the bathroom stall. Let's face it. Hypocrites are some hard folks to love. Abraham Lincoln said a hypocrite was like a man who murdered both his parents and then pleaded for mercy because he was an orphan. They really have the chutzpah.

What do Al Gore or Mark Sanford or John Edwards have in common? They put self first while sanctimoniously denying others the same privileges. Isn't that assume the rules apply to everyone but them? What does God think of folks who self-exalt?

"My hands have made both heaven and earth, and they are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word." Isaiah 66.2

Yet He LOVES them. He says ALL have availability to His love. Then walking His talk, Christ volunteered for the ultimate self-abandonment. His choice to love others more than His own life set the bar high. Wouldn't "selfless" be the opposite of a person full of himself?

Who do you know that is selfless?

Would it be a missionary? A soldier? A dad who dies to self and works more than one job for his family?

A mother?

On Mother's Day and every day, we should thank the Lord for the selfless ones. They are a rare breed.

Here are two wonderful mothers that Mike and I are giving thanks for:

1 comment:

  1. And what a special Mom you had and are!

    Pretty frightening when I enlarged the pix of Algore . . . probably shouldn't have done that!
