Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Have you seen these pics from Searchlight, NV?

They were having a tea party there the last Saturday in March and that's quite a line to get in.

Our country is experiencing a groundswell of citizenry outrage against government.
This snowball began rolling long before our current president.
People who work hard and spend their time taking care of their families have trusted leadership and that same leadership rotted from within.

George Washington would drop his wooden
teeth if he could see the motives and character of
the men we have asked to go to DC to be our voice.

Just last April, exasperation with government expressed itself as the Tea Party movement.

Meetings were thrown together all over the country and people turned out in droves.

Take a look at the people you see in these pictures.

They are middle America.

If you took a poll, I'll bet you would find that "taking to the streets" was new for 75% of them.

They morphed from voters to political activists.

Maybe you have friends who have been to a tea party. We have.

Some friends here in Fayetteville got tired of not agreeing with our country's leadership.

So one man was convicted that he didn't have the right to complain if he wasn't offering to be part of the solution.

So in addition to his 9-5...and with no prior experience...Randy Alexander is running for the Senate this fall.

If we cannot trust men with experience, then let the inexperienced have a go.

Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln, the incumbent, will face a contender from a field of 8 Republican candidates. Eight.

This is a grassroots movement.

Randy went to Washington for the first tea party a year ago; Randy Alexander is who I think of when I think Tea Party movement.

God bless men of principle.

Have you noticed the full-court discrediting blitz going on to suggest that the TP'ers are violent and racist?

Oh please! And THAT is why all these people are in the street? I don't think so.

Fifty-three percent of the country voted for a black man. Now they hate him enough to don white hoods?

That's such an obvious smokescreen.

For middle America to be out, there has to be more.

There has to be a problem that is coming into their homes...

Granted, some weird things are happening.

Fringe folks may have attached themselves to the Tea Party.

There are always angry people that use a cause to vent, and venters live on the left as well.

But current efforts to assign ominous tones to the Tea Party movement are ridiculous.

One slobbery venom-spewing heckler making a
burden-bearing animal of himself does not define the Tea Party movement.

What is undeniable is that an amazing number of civil protesters assembled in Washington and in many cities ALL YEAR LONG.

They've peacefully chanted and held up signs and listened to music and speeches.

Then they cleaned up after themselves as they left.

So what IS the Tea Party movement?

It is measured civil dissent.

It is a group of patriots and libertarians who are against tax-and-spend big government.

They have been ignored by government.

The media has assigned to them a misnomer.

But they remain a force to be reckoned with in November.

P.S. Fayetteville's second annual Tax Day Tea Party will be held on the town square from 11-1 on April 15th. Dick Morris will speak. Please bring canned goods for Life Source (a non-profit which comes alongside families in need).

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