Monday, March 1, 2010


You can see our son Brad is coping well with his case of MPB (Male Pattern Baldness). Any psychological scarring seems to have been swept away by his dry wit. Brad has a fine-tuned funny bone. I love his humor!

On the 13th of this month, Brad will celebrate a birthday and his odometer rolls over to 34. This man's little red wagon is pretty full. He and Laura are expecting number three in July. I don't know any stats, but I'm guessing that the majority of households in Manhattan have less than five folks. Brad and Laura live in 750 square feet (on two levels), but that might have to change...

Laura was laughing about her husband the other day and told a story on him. See if you can picture this:

By day, Brad is a dentist in two hospitals, St. Luke and Roosevelt. Daily he walks nineteen blocks TO...and then nineteen blocks FROM work. This fall New York City had the heavy rains that we experienced down South. One morning when he got ready to leave for work AND IT WAS RAINING AGAIN...Dr. Cruse made a decision to walk to work in flip flops, a t-shirt, bathing trunks, and an umbrella. What a hoot.

Once at work he changes into scrubs anyway, but THAT day Brad was either intensely practical or totally innovative. Whichever, that's a picture that I choose to hold in my heart when I think of our son in fashionable New York City.

Minus eye contact, there may not have been five people who noticed.

"How beautiful...are the flip flops of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!" Isaiah 52.7 NLT (amended)


  1. What a hoot Susan! I can close my eyes and get a vision of all of this. Brad was surely doing what I call, "Dancing in the rain" - moving through life, finding the joy, and believing that this day too shall pass leaving behind pure gold in its wake.

  2. Brad's hysterical. I love that guy! (In a manly, heterosexual way, of course.) ;)
