Thursday, January 7, 2010


from ghoulies and ghosties
and long-leggedy beasties
and things that go bump in the night
good Lord, deliver us!
(Scottish prayer)

I can't be sure about ghoulies and ghosties...or long-leggedy beasties. But can we agree that "things go bump" in the night because daylight prohibits their cover? I've been thinking a lot about the stars lately. It was a true kindness for God to put nightlights in the sky. Utter darkness would bring all sorts of opportunity for bad behavior around our globe. And lately, our politicians have repeatedly employed a "cover of darkness" to conduct the people's business. Why would that be? Would the business not stand up to the light of day? Here are a few examples from the growing list of dark deeds from our transparent administration:

Democrats huddled up behind closed doors ("no Republicans allowed") as they revamped 20% of the nation's economy. That's right, one-fifth of our economy...and half of the legislative branch was not allowed to be present. But Republicans weren't the only ones left out of deliberations. "We the people" were not allowed to read the 2,000 page plan, and even fellow Congressional members were urged to "just pass it and then we will explain it later". Talk about not seeing the light of day...

Our government was founded on separation of powers. We have checks-and-balances so that one branch can look over the other's shoulder and everyone is protected. Enter the unsupervised czars. Can't check their appointment; can't look over their shoulder. Add power to unaccountability and what do you get? Darkness.

Michelle Obama and Social Office Secretary Desiree Rogers (who have been friends for twenty years) both have made a point to say that NOW the White House would be returned to being known as "the people's house". And so the people named Salahis took them up on that promise. When Desiree wanted to go to the party instead of stay by the door (or post someone else to check guests), the gate crashers created a huge security breach. Instead of Desiree's head rolling, the White House would not let her answer a Congressional subpoena to testify...or any press questions. So much for the promise of open government. Turn out the lights, the party's over.

When we lost the term "war on terror" and the "overseas contingency operation" was in...we scratched our heads. When the Attorney General wanted to bring terrorists to NYC to be tried as criminals, we scratched our heads. When they wanted to send Gitmo terrorists back to Yemen, more scratching. And now scratch and sniff the admin's response to the last two terrorist schemes (Ft. Hood/Christmas Day flight). The President asked us "not to jump to any conclusions about Maj. Hasan"...our Homeland Security chief said "the system worked" (before she ate crow and re-explained it)...and the president turned the panty-bomber over to law enforcement. The young man was singing until he got a lawyer. Huh? Why should a Nigerian get American rights? Was he not a combatant? Could the military have learned some helpful things? Now today (ten days later) the admin says mistakes were made, and they HAVE allowed the bomber to be questioned. Well, public outcry apparently works, but where is a President who would act in our best interest FIRST?

Now the latest thing to come to light happened on Christmas Eve when President Obama gave a blank check to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Really?

You can bet most folks did not hear about that giveaway because it was dumped into the news stream Christmas Eve. But the article explains how the government has basically handed an ATM card to FM/FM (by removing their $400 billion dollar cap) to keep them afloat. Of course, this is AFTER already giving them $111 BILLION. And by acting before the end of the year, they did not have to get an "ok" from Congress. That was an end run around the people, because the people are not in favor of giving more money to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac.

Where are the high beams when you need light? Let's pray for an unveiling...

"He is the unveiler of deep and secret things; he has knowledge of what is in the dark, and the light has its living-place with him." (Daniel explains his God to King Nebuchadnezzar - Daniel 2.22 BBE)

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