Monday, March 2, 2009


Susan has come out into the sunshine after a five month tunnel of varying stages of incapacitation as she dragged her left leg. Now, thanks to Dr. David Barnett and the Baptist Joint Replacement Team, Susan has a shiny new stainless steel and plastic knee. Dr. Barnett must have gotten that sucker in there just right because in PT they got 123 degrees of flex and ouch that was good. Those medical people on third floor should get a standing O...along with a host of other precious friends...who, as Mike prayed last night..."Lord, please bless those friends who have really loved on us this week". In fact, during this whole process I've totally felt CARRIED ALONG. 

Prayer'll do that.  What a grand thing to have access to God's throne room!  I can just see the Sovereign's switchboard light up as Beth's Bible study group prayed in Fayetteville, Brad's family petitioned from NYC, friends in Baton Rouge and Nashville and Jacksonville, FL, and our Community Group and CBS group and neighbors all called or emailed that they would help cover me.  I felt it!  Fourteen people were in and out as Mike sat during the surgery.  Brad got to fly in and stayed the first night with me; that gave me a huge lift! 

You know, when you're staring down a bone saw, you worry about the most minute bacteria. And because I have varicose veins, I also thought about clots.  But since there was NOTHING I could do about either concern (except ask folks to pray "bug-free" and "clot-free"),  I laid back in God's care.    And when those anxious thoughts barged to the front of my mind, I had a Psalm 56:3 whiskbroom ("what time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee").  I knew that no matter how many people come to encourage you, it's YOUR gurney going back through the double doors. That's when you need to know Jesus never leaves you.

So Mike and I are thankful for exceptional medical help and for friends who pray.  I also need to blow kisses to Mike. During our journey, he's learned to do laundry (oh, those pesky sorting rules) and he's kept us fed and the kitchen sink cleared out (better than I ever did).  These last months have forced us to cooperate more, depend on one another more, and I do believe we've grown up some.  We've each been to foreign lands...I am now exercising and eating right...Mike is nurturing.  Who knew?   My best friend is rock solid.

Oh, and one other thing.  That third floor at Baptist (where one goes to get a spare hip or knee) has wonderful nurses that are attentive and full of compassion.   Mario, the physical therapist, is excellent and Butch is a wacky OT who distracts you to forget you are standing on your new part.  BUT there's this one man I wish you all could meet named James.  He must be in charge of the Joint Replacement Team. It's James who comes down that hall each AM/PM routing out all his dwarfs (Grumpy, Whiney, Sleepy and Reluctant) and herds them down the hall on their walkers to physical therapy.  Heigh Ho!  His groupies do not want to move their parts, but James coaxes with his big grin and cheerful spirit.  I'd wager there's not a long list of people able to do James' job.  But he does it with great humor and grace.

When all was done, I left the hospital after three nights.  My pain level never went over about a four (out of ten).  I didn't get sick from the anesthetic, although the pain meds made me ookey and they had to be tweaked.  Now a physical therapist and nurse come to the house.  Our Community Group and CBS group and neighbors have brought yummy food we need help eating.  We feel very blessed.  Oh, and wait, one more thing.  As these credits roll, I have to add my right leg to the applause list.  Since last October, it has done the work of both legs.  It's been quite the soldier.

So for my buoyancy over circumstance, for safety, for the love of others, for answered prayer, and for His generous carriage...I thank my God.

"even to your old age I will be the same, and even to your graying years I will bear you.  I have made you and I will support you; I will carry you and rescue you." Isaiah 46:4




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