Monday, September 21, 2015


The latest political kerfuffle centers around a comment made by Dr. Ben Carson that he would not suggest having a Muslim President.  What did he mean by that?

We live in an age of religious pluralism which presumes all world religions are equal and all beliefs are also equally valid.  If plurality were the case, then Dr. Carson's comment would be bigoted.  But plurality's "open-mindedness" conflicts with what the Bible teaches.

The Old Testament story of Moses and the Ten Plagues was a picture book about how the One True God is more powerful than any of the gods of Egypt.  The New Testament is proof-text that the One True God is all-powerful as He resurrected His Son from death.

Have any of the "other gods" proven they are who they say they are?

When Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Eternal)"...that would be in stark contrast to a Hindu teaching of many gods...or Buddha's teaching...or Muslim teaching.  The religions of the world ALL have different "takes" on the way home, so they can't all be right or equally valid.

We hear a lot about Muslims being peace-loving.  But if we do a fruit check, we see Muslims have been quite a lot of aggravation. Their "peace-lessness" is also born out in history as Islam's plan of conquest constantly has tried to bring the entire world under submission for Allah.

Certainly not all Muslims are jihadists.  But all in Muslim countries are underneath a governing system whose web infiltrates every level of living, including how to run government, business, religion, dress, and even personal hygiene.

On the other hand, Judaism and Christianity are not governing systems between men and the state, but are about relationships between men and God.  We learn to love liberty from our Creator.

This piece was written in 2007; it's called "One God" and it explores the contrast between the Father God and the "other god".

"One God calls us to love and forgive;
The other god calls for intimidation and submission by force.

One God adopts us into His family;
The other god is master who permits servants.

One God says sin is inside of man and offers a Solution and a Helper;
The other god sees sin coming from the outside and designed burkas.

One God honors women; they are equally part of His story
The other god subjugates half his flock.

One God pleads "come, let us reason together";
The other god does not stoop or promote the free interchange of ideas.

One God offers a place to be with Him forever;
The other god reduces heaven to carnality.

One God is the Author of second chances;
With the other god it is "one strike and you're out!".

One God sees man's disobedience and the Bible says it grieves His heart;
The other god's woodshed is brutal.

One God is a tender Shepherd who carries His lambs;
Is that in the other god's book?

One God had a Son who came down to save;
The other god's people reach up and hope they've done enough.

In these last days and in His forbearance, the One True and Living God stands in stark contrast to the other god as He waits for all men to decide.

Today we are called to have discernment because faith matters.  Would we want a country run like ANY of the Muslim countries?  It may be true that not all Muslims are Sharia-compliant Muslims, BUT WE DON'T KNOW because Muslims are instructed to lie in order to "rope a dope".  Then why put our country in jeopardy?  Do we have to be politically correct and pick one from each category (a black, a woman, a Muslim)?  Let's just pick the best one, the one (as Dr. Carson said) complies with our principles and values.

  P.S.  Dr. Carson's words are being twisted by commentators.  This LINK to his comments will help you decide whether his comments were mean-spirited.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Nostradamus still gets press long after his predictions have been disproven.  But then, every century has their Harold Camping who predicts doom.

All the soothsayers have been proven wrong; Jesus was proven right when He said no one but the Father knows the day.

But Jesus also told us to watch the signs and be aware when the signs increase like a woman in labor.  So what signs are causing a stir today?

There are the usual suspects...the worldwide hostility (now causing mass migrations across Europe), natural disasters, depravity, and advanced technology that makes wholesale destruction more likely.

Scripture says at the end there will be an alliance that comes against Israel comprised of Gog, Persia, Ethiopia, and Put.  Who's that?  Russia, Iran, Libya, and Turkey.  Gee, it's easy to envision THAT bunch coming together.  Jesus also said His disciples would be handed over to be persecuted and would be killed and hated by all the nations because of His name.  That certainly describes the plight of Middle Eastern Christians.

But something else is being talked about this month.  It's this whole "blood moon" thing.  What does that have to do with the last days?  Blood moons are not rare, but what makes the subject tantalizing is that NASA can tell us exactly when blood moons have happened back to 1AD.

Our search is not for ALL blood moons, but only the ones which coincide with certain days on Israel's calendar in the Spring and Fall.

In fact, a Biblical tetrad is the name for four blood moons that occur on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth) for two consecutive years.  And NASA records SEVEN times in history that has happened.  When it happens, something important happens to either Israel or to Christians.  Here are the seven times:

1.  The Biblical tetrads in 162-163AD saw the worst persecution of Jews and Christians in the Roman Empire.  Within three years, 8 million people (a third of the population) were killed.

The next three tetrads (#2, #3, #4) happened at the end of the 8th century and continued through the 9th century.  They were time of turmoil as Islam launched jihad on Europe.

In the center of this painting of the Battle of Tours, you see a woman and child,
the symbol of the saving of Christendom.  Jesus is the seed of the woman.
After Mohammed's death in 632, within 100 years his mandate for conquest had taken Northern Africa and Spain, causing the death of many Christians and Jews.  In fact, Muslims had advanced to just south of Paris when they ran into a general named Charles "The Hammer" Martel.

Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours in 732 STOPPED the Islamic advance into Western Europe, saving Christendom.  Then the next century marked a messy time of pushing them out.

2.  The Biblical tetrads in 795-796 marked fighting led by Martel's grandson, King Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire, who established buffer states between France and Spain to prevent further Arab invasions.

3.  The Biblical tetrads in 842-843 were followed by an attack on the Vatican and looting by an Islamic invasion from Africa.

4.  The Biblical tetrads in 860-861 saw the defeat of Arab armies at a battle in Turkey, which stopped the Islamic invasion of Eastern Europe until the 1600's.

Then 600+ years go by...

5.  The Biblical tetrads in 1493-1494 happened after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain ordered Jews (200,000) out of their country.  At the time, Spain had been a refuge for Jews.  Here is how Christopher Columbus began his diary:  "In the same month in which their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indes (Indies)."  

History records tens of thousands of Jewish refugees died while trying to reach safety.  Some Spanish ship captains charged inflated ticket prices, only to take Jews out and dump them overboard in the middle of the ocean.  In the last days before the expulsion, rumors spread through Spain that the refugees had swallowed gold and diamonds, and many were knifed to death by treasure hunters.

Then America was discovered and became a home to a Jewish population which now numbers 5.5 million.  And 455 years go by...

6.  The Biblical tetrads of 1949-1950 saw the first Arab-Israeli War right after Israel became a nation (Israel was declared a nation in 1948, but the first government didn't take office until January of 1949).  Less than 24 hours after proclaiming independence, the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded.  Israel's Defense Forces were just formed and were poorly equipped, but they fought 15 months before becoming victors.  There were 6,000 lives lost, representing 1% of the population at the time.

7.  The Biblical tetrads of 1967-1968 coincide with the Six Day War, when Israel recaptured Jerusalem.  As her Arab neighbors threatened and gathered on her borders, Israel made a pre-emptive strike against Egypt in the South, a counter attack against Jordan in the East, and routed Syrian forces to the North in the Golan Heights.  

Think about one more thing.  As we study the skies, we also are aware of the ways Israel's feast days overlap Christendom's timeline.  Israel celebrates Passover in the Spring (on the 15th of Nissan), the first month of their Jewish religious new year.  In that time of beginning, they give thanks that God released them from Egyptian bondage and they gather around the sacrifice of the lamb which atoned for their sins.

A Christian's new life in Christ begins when they humble themselves before the Lamb of God and ask that His blood would release them from bondage and atone for their sin.   Christ's sacrifice was made in Spring on Good Friday, and He conquered death in His resurrection three days later.

In Fall, Israel celebrates the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth) when they focus on God who has given them the harvest.  They make booths to signify that they understand their lives here are temporary, but their dependence and their home is with God.

Similarly, in the "Fall" of God's timeline, Christians see the final ingathering as a time when the Lord of the Harvest (who has sent out workers to bring in the harvest of souls) returns for His church.

This year, the blood moon and Feast of Tabernacles will be on September 28th.  That is not a doomsday prediction, but it does seem reasonable to consider, given the significant things have happened in the past.  Shall we then not act appropriately?  Let's follow what Psalm 122 already calls us to do: PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM.

So we thank can the Lord for His promises toward Israel.  We can read Anne Graham Lotz' PRAYER suggestions and ask the Lord to make Israel's Iron Dome confuse the minds of Israel's enemies...and to give Israel unity of mind.

Pray, Christians.  After all, when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we are praying for Jesus' return.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Do you think variety spices things up?  What about in political parties?

The party of blue is a hip crowd.  They are the young, the Hollywood stars/musicians/media, and the free spirits who bust tradition with trend-setting cultural memes.

The party of red is full of old, stogy white guys who love capitalism and want to run back the clock to the Founders' day.

Is that about right?  You'd never know it to look at the prospective blue leaders for 2016.

Blue party candidates are notably white and long-in-the-tooth.  Joe's 72...Bernie is soon to be 74...Hill will be 68 in October...and the chickiebaby is Elizabeth at 66.

Where are the new leaders coming up behind these candidates? Where's the fresh new blood in the party?

Now consider the red bench, groaning under the weight of seventeen candidates.  Are they monochromatic?  No.  Are they old?

If you add all their ages, the average red candidate is 57.47 years old.  (Those FOUR "forty-somethings" really help the stats offset the Pataki/Trump ages of 70/69.)

Let's play a little game.  Not counting Carly's spouse, let's talk about some GOP wives and see what kind of diversity THEY afford.  The answers are below, but don't cheat.

1.  Which GOP wife was born in Mexico?  Nah, that's too easy.  Add the spouse that was born in Slovenia.

2.  There are NINE Governors running.  Which Governor's wife was nicknamed "First Tomboy"....and which wife was nicknamed "First Listener"?

3.  Which wife is a concert violinist?

4.  Which two wives left their jobs as "managing director" of different hedge funds to help campaign?

5.  Which wife authored four children's books?

6.  Who's the pilot?

7.  Which two wives are nurses?

8.  Which wife was cheerleader for an NFL team?

9.  One wife graduated Magna Cum Laude in Chemical Engineering, got a Masters in Business Administration, and has everything done but the dissertation for her Doctorate.  Can you guess who?

10.  Which lady worked twenty years (and was vice president of public relations for a healthcare ad agency) but then quit to take care of twin girls?

11.  At least three GOP wives are content to be in the background, but one is a political consultant who, at one time, worked for Ted Cruz.  Which?

All these ladies are accomplished and passionate, each having a special "cause" for which they have given their energy.  Here is just a sampling of their good works:

Candy Carson co-founded the Carson Scholars Fund to encourage students in science and math.

Columba Bush lived with domestic abuse as her father hurt her mother; she has said he caused "the most painful memories of my life".  That caused Columba to be involved in both substance and domestic abuse work in Florida.

Mary Pat Christie launched the "New Jersey Heroes" organization in 2010 to promote heroes and energize others toward good citizenship.

Supra Jindal founded the "Supra Jindal Foundation for Louisiana's Children" to help develop tomorrow's workforce.

Both Karen Kasich and Anita Perry are advocates for healthy eating habits and exercise.  Texas Tech honored Anita Perry by naming their nursing school in her honor and establishing two nursing endowments.

Libby Pataki and Jeanette Rubio conduct weekly Bible study/prayer groups, and Libby co-founded "One Jerusalem".

Kelley Paul is a board member at "Helping a Hero", a charity that builds houses for wounded war vets.







#6.  Janet Huckabee





Thanks for playing along.  These GOP husband-lovers bring flavor in their diversity.  Vive la difference!