Thursday, October 21, 2010


When Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg huffed off the stage of their own program, it made news.  It was the flounce heard round the TV world.  Their guest, Bill O'Reilly, had just made a statement with which they vehemently disagreed.  Some thought their hissy fit was contrived drama.  Nah.  I think they both hate O'Reilly enough to do it for real.  So what did the man say?

O'Reilly was explaining a point he made about why the President was declining in the polls....and in the process, he used the words "...and when the Muslims attacked us on 9/11...".  That was when the fur flew. 

The women of political correctness thought he should have been more explicit.  "It was Muslim extremists, not Muslims!" they cried.  Things escalated.  O'Reilly said if anyone had misunderstood what he said, he was sorry.  But they felt he made the remark on purpose.  Whoopi later went on to say "was he talking about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?  He's a Muslim.  O'Reilly should have been more specific."

Do you know anyone who is afraid of a basketball player?  "Me eever" (as Nate would say).  But a case COULD be made for fear of other Muslims.  Were the ladies saying that we should step carefully because Muslims might be the recipient of backlash?  Perhaps, but it would seem logical that such a backlash would have happened right after 9/11.  I think most Americans understand who to fear.

If Muslims were just a religious choice, they might be less pervasive.  But they are a system reaching all of society. Government and laws and education and the church and all the ways Muslims live their lives flow from the same polluted head waters.  The Muslims who came to America have tasted freedom and might have a different take on their law.  

But in Joy and Whoopi's world, our freedom is called on to parse words in order to avoid calling a problem...a problem.  Their politically correct world has a lot to ignore to hold to that tenant.  They ignore the fact that the Muslim nation of Iran is close to having a nuclear bomb for our harm, and also funds terrorist training and arms to be used against us.  Saudi Arabia, also a Muslim nation, sponsors terror and sent us the 9/11 terrorists.  Pakistan, a Muslim nation, pretends friendship while probably harboring Bin Laden and also supporting terrorism.  These are just three nations that are Muslim nations (not just Muslim extremists) who actively seek our demise.  What worldview misses this?

I guess the ladies of the View could go over to Europe and ask Angela Merkel whether she has trouble with Muslims in Germany.
Or they could go to France or Great Britain and see what the French/Brits would say...

Joy and Whoopi defend the rights of Muslims as though such defense is a righteous act.  Don't miss the wild irony of such a position.  If they were Muslim women in a strict Muslim nation, they would be burka-clad (no more high heels, Joy...or outlandish outfits, Whoopi).  They would be married as a pre-teen and not allowed out of the house alone and CERTAINLY not be listened to.  If this were not so sad for women around the world, it would be hilarious.

All around the globe, there are problems with terrorism and the word "Muslim" is closely associated.  So let's not take our eye off the ball.  It is problematic to think that America has redefined the war on terrorism with a vanilla term "overseas contingency operation".  And it is problematic that in an exaggerated effort to appear righteous, some would put our country in more danger than she's in.

Juan Williams felt the sting of that "correctness" this week.  I like Juan because he is reasonable and fair-minded.  I don't agree with his positions, but I sure wouldn't FIRE him!
NPR kicked him to the curb because of remarks Juan made about Muslims.  I heard him say the remarks.  He spoke honestly and totally without mean-spiritedness.  That man doesn't have a mean-spirited bone in his body.

We have been given a wonderful gift of freedom in our country.  Speech is protected and sometimes that protection comes back to bite us.  We have weathered many bedbugs
that would hide under that freedom-of-speech blanket.  Pornography, that Westboro church-that's-not-a-church, and race hustlers come immediately to mind.  But those speech abusers feed off the old-fashioned twins, greed and power.  

This is different.  One Muslim, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes it is his God-given mission in life to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization.  And that destruction begins with intimidation and the diminishing of our freedom of speech.  We just need to discern who is on his side... 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


During WW2, a man named Paul Harvey began adding human interest stories to his newscast. ABC later picked up his radio program "The Rest of the Story". What a wonderful man! I loved this storyteller who liked to carry his audience to a surprise ending. I was one of his listeners who enjoyed being carried along.

In this 2002 picture, Mr. Harvey is presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Here is a link to a few of his choice comments:

Mr. Harvey worked until the week before he died (in 2009 at the age of 90), but I can still hear the sound of his voice and feel comfortable as I wait for those predictable words..."and now you know the REST of the story"!

Children must have felt a similar level of soothing when Fred Rogers zipped his cardigan and sang about his neighborhood. Each of Mr. Rogers' episodes was predictable, starting the very same way. The children could relax during Mr. Rogers' program. I can still hear this Presbyterian minister singing about how beautiful it was in his neighborhood.

Fred McFeely Rogers was presented a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 for his wonderful way he led children to learn. "It is impossible to count the number of lives you have touched," President Bush told Rogers, "but you've made a huge impact on thousands and thousands of children. And there are thousands and thousands of parents and Americans who are grateful for your service to the country."

Doesn't it seem these days that we really could use a Paul Harvey or a Fred Rogers in the media? We are hungry for personalities of integrity that we can trust for truth. We need to know we are getting ALL of the story because sometimes we only hear page one of a three page story...

Congress took a vote last summer on funding for extending unemployment benefits. Democrats pushed benefits while those mean ole Republicans were the "agin'-ers". Or that was what the media reported. That was page one, but here is page two. The Republicans had voted in favor of extending the benefits when it was voted on the first time. But their stipulation was to fund with money cut elsewhere in the budget. The President agreed and it was done. But the second time the vote came up, funding was again the sticking point. The President wanted to spend negative dollars. Because the Republicans wouldn't agree, they are the adults in this issue. It was a deficit-spending issue, not a heartless issue. At some point, the deficit swamps everything else and no one will be funded.

Similarly, the funding for the 9/11 First Responders has been in the news. The Dems have been kicking that can down the road for 3.5 years. They ARE the majority and they've HAD the numbers to pass whatever they wanted. But nothing happened until all of a sudden back in February, Rep. Anthony Weiner staged a toddler meltdown on the House floor. He hollered about the awful Republicans who don't want to support our heroes. Is that right? That's what you would have thought. But something stinks if fellow Dems would not go down on paper for the proposition. That's curious...wonder why? The rest of the story involves the pork they tacked onto the hero-funding. How cheesy is that?

Today it is 21 days until the midterms. Most are battening down the hatches because the election barrage has already gotten ugly. Tell me who would want to run for office these days? Who needs that aggravation?

No wonder people are pulling out their hair. No one trusts politicians OR the media for good reason. We are desperate for honesty and integrity. We want someone who will tell us THE REST OF THE STORY.

Friday, October 1, 2010


The good Lord has given me another year...and I get to spend it. That's what I got from Him for my 63rd. I also got reminders of His love as a bunch of people called or sent cards/wishes on Facebook. I'm grateful for the kindness and thoughtfulness of friends.

Tim and Penny sent a hilarious talking card that was so them. It makes me laugh every time I hear it (and Nate wore it out). There also were sweet cards that I love to reread. Brad and Laura's card is always a stitch. But this birthday card above won the prize for capturing "me". For some unknown reason, I have a hard time hitting my mouth when I eat. My husband says it's because I'm in a hurry. I do need to wear stripes.

Mike and the kids made a birthday fuss. Each of my offspring gave me a meal cuz they know I like to go out to eat. Brad and Laura's meal came in the mail in the form of a plastic card for a pizza place that gets good marks in NW Arkansas. Brad is good about researching online for the best places and then making a call; he has New York survival skills. Matt and Beth and Nate gave me a meal at Pesto Cafe and the eggplant parmesan was a treat.

I guess sometimes birthdays give pause for reflection. This year I was needing some assurance that my course did not need correction regarding one way I spend my time. So I asked the Lord (not out loud) to confirm it in a specific way. The day went by and I had not heard a word. Nothing by bedtime. I was disappointed because I had asked in good faith and I thought because it involved His work, it was a prayer that He would surely answer. I checked the computer once more, got into bed, strapped on the CPAP machine, and took a deep breath.

On the nightstand, Precious (the iPhone) dinked. I picked it up and there...less than an hour before the next day would have begun...was my email answer! It came right on time (He's always right on time) and at a perfect time when I was quiet and more contemplative. I LOVE hearing from the Lord. It doesn't often happen that directly, but when it does...SHAZZAM!

Then, first thing the next morning another confirmation came. No one else knew what I had asked but Him. He and I understood and I waited for Him. What a wonderful birthday blessing!

Now there was ONE more birthday thingy that happened and we are all scratching our heads about this. We decided at the last minute to go to the Pesto Cafe, and we didn't know a soul in there. We ate and then the waitress appeared with two mounded plates of chocolate cake/ice cream. Nate was overjoyed! We hadn't mentioned a birthday, so we knew it wasn't from the restaurant. The waitress said "someone wanted you to have this"...but she wouldn't say who. Beth thought Mike did it. Mike thought Beth did it. Then when we really began to explore...neither of them did it. Until this moment, it remains a mystery why a stranger would send cake to our table.

Well, our lives are a journey through uncharted waters. And for a control freak (in remission, but constantly recurring) like myself, I take great comfort in knowing an omniscent and omnipotent Father who is personally involved in His children's lives.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you." 1Peter 5.7 NLT